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  My eyes open

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  My eyes open. I stare at a wooden ceiling above me. My fingers ruffle the sheets I am under and I take in a deep breath.

I slightly pull my shorts down to check the spot where the stinger had just been. It looked completely healed. I had no more veins and my chest didn't hurt as badly. I just had a headache and that's all.

Everything I remembered, everything I salvaged from my locked up memories comes flooding back into my head and I sit up on reflex. There is water on my bedside table. I grab the glass aggressively and chug its contents, reviving my sore and cracked throat.

As I set the glass down the door creaks open.

A cute fat face peeps in.

"Olivia! You're awake! Jeff! Clint! Come quick!" Chuck yells. It hurts my ears but I don't tell him that. All I can think about is my memory of him. My heart fills with happiness.

"Come here." I say. He skips over to my bed.

I outstretch my arms and pull him into a hug, rubbing his back as I silent sob into his shoulder. "Oh my God Chuck," I say.

"Um, what's going on?" I look up and see the medjacks standing there, along with Newt.

"What's wrong Olivia?" Jeff asks.

I look at Chuck, a smile spreading across my face.

"Chuck. You're my brother." I say.

Disbelief washes across his face. "What? How do you know?" He asks.

"I saw you. Our mother. She was carrying us." I can't help but cry.

"You promise?" He smiles.


He attacks me with a big hug, squeezing me tightly. Tears of joy fall from his eyes and dampen my shirt.

After Chuck stops crying he stands up. "Oops." He says, wiping his face.

I laugh. A genuine laugh that is rarely found around this place. It makes me feel amazing.

"Siblings!" Newt exclaims, shaking his head as he walks over. "Bloody hell." He pats Chuck on the back.

"I can't believe this." I say, my face starting to hurt from my smiling.

"Newt! When we get out of here, you and I will be brothers too!" Chuck squeals, giving Newt a huge bear hug.

Newt stumbles back, giggling. "What do you mean?"

"Because when we get out of here, you're going to marry Olivia!"

Now Clint and Jeff burst out laughing from the doorway, Jeff bending over, holding his stomach and slapping his knee.

My face turns bright red. Hot tears roll down my cheek. Chuck, my brother. The little boy that I always felt the need to protect. The boy I loved so much but also who annoyed the hell out of me. The boy who I wanted to save from this awful place. I should've known. I cup my hands over my mouth, still in shock.

Chuck gives me one last squeeze before he stands back. "Hold on. I gotta go potty. See ya later sis!" He says excitedly before running out.

I lay back down and Newt sits back down on the side of my bed. The joyful mood has left the air.

"That was bloody stupid. You know that, Olivia," Newt points out, referring to my attempt to get stung.

"I know." I say, looking at the ground.

"But it was also brave," He continues. "It was awful having to see you like that. You really put me through hell the last three days. Please don't do anything like that again."

"I won't. I've got the memories I need." I answer. He nods.

"Go ahead. What did you see?"

I take a deep breath, recollecting my thoughts. "This whole thing. Its an experiment. The people who put us here, they're testing us."

"For what?" Jeff asks.

"I didn't see that part. But, I remember when they took me and Chuck. We were very little. A man, he said something about WICKED, that we were the cure for something called the Flare. I have no idea what it means though."

"Is that all?" Newt asks.

"No." I mumble. What I am about to tell them will make them hate me. I am scared to reveal what I remember.

"What happened?" He presses on.

I gulp. "I saw myself. In a lab. With the people who put you here." My voice cracks. The boys look like they've been slapped in the face.

"What are you saying?" This comes from Clint.

"I'm saying, that I helped build the Maze. I created it. I helped test you. I don't know why, but I watched you for years, saw everything you went through until I made them send me as well. I don't remember why, but I do remember begging them to wipe my memory and put me in the Glade," A tear falls down onto my lap. "Guys, I'm one of them."

"It doesn't matter." Newt stands up, runs a hand through his hair. "None of it matters. Because the people we were before the Maze, they don't even exist anymore."

"What about the others?"

"You're not a Creator. You're not one of them. You're one of us now." Newt says firmly.

"So what do I do?"

A knock at the door turns our heads. Minho stands in the doorway. "I say you pick your ass up and finish what you started," He walks in. I can't help but feel a little better. "Nice to see you awake, shuck face."


"What's going on?" Newt asks.

"Everyone's going nuts out there. We barely have any food or supplies left, and there's no sign of them sending more," Minho says, putting his hands in his pockets. "No one knows what to do."

"I do." I say, a sudden boost in confidence rising up in my voice.

"What do you propose?" Newt replies.

"I say we get out of here today. We won't make it another day here. And all the change, the walls not closing, no supplies, the weird grey skies, I think WICKED is ready for us to get out of here. And the only way out is through the Griever hole."

"Good luck with that." Says Minho.


"Gally's pretty much taken control of the whole place."

I look at Newt. "Newt, I thought you were in charge."

"I was." Newt mumbles.

"Its either stay in the Glade and listen to him, or get Banished at sundown with you." Minho states, sadly.

I swing my legs over the bed.

"Woah woah woah, what are you doing?" Newt says, running to my side to help steady me.

"Looks like we're leaving this place. We escape. One hour."

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