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Thank you to DivergTHG for the awesome fan art above!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Do you have fan art? Send it to me through Instagram (shuckoffgreenie) or e-mail (acreativeblur@gmail

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Thank you to DivergTHG for the awesome fan art above!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Do you have fan art? Send it to me through Instagram (shuckoffgreenie) or e-mail (acreativeblur@gmail.com) :)


  That afternoon, once all the work was finished, Newt, Minho, Ben, Chuck, Winston and I sat at the edge of the woods, stacking rocks as high as they would go without falling. I remembered playing a game similar to this one a long time ago, but what it was called, who it was with and other details never came to mind.

  I still hadn't told anyone about my dreams. I didn't think they were important, they may not even be real memories, just scenarios my hopeless brain created in replacement for the lost ones.

  Our tower was about a foot and a half high when we got bored and all sat there in silence.

  "So, watcha wanna do?" Chuck says. "Lets play a game!"

  "Like what?" Ben asks.

  "Oh! I remember a game called truth or dare. You pick one of the two and you have to answer a truth question or do a funny dare!" Chuck laughs to himself.

  "Sound's good." Everyone agrees.

  "Winston, truth or dare?" Chuck asks.


  "Okay, have you ever pulled a prank on Gally before?"

  "I don't think I would be standing here right now if I had pulled a prank on Gally." Winston replies, laughing.

  "I pulled a prank on Gally once! When he was in the bathroom taking a klunk, I threw a rock at the window and it scared the crap out of him, literally!" We all chuckle at the image of Gally screaming like a girl while on the toilet.

  "Alright. Ben, truth or dare?"


  "I dare you to rub my feet." Winston says, an evil grin on his face.

  "WHAT? NO! MAN NO. Can't I do something else?" Ben whines.

  "Nope. This is extreme truth or dare. No wimping out." Winston pulls off his shoes and socks. Everyone backs away a little to avoid the stench clogging our nostrils.

  "Ugh. Whatever," Ben says and begins to rub the Slicer's foot. "Umm, Olivia! Truth or dare?"

  I don't trust them to not humiliate me. "Truth."

  "Hmm. Ok, oh! Have you and Newt kissed yet? WITH DETAILS" All the other boys go "Ooooo."

  My face is as red as a strawberry. "Can I change to dare?" I don't feel like discussing my personal life with the bozos.

  "No wimping!" Chuck says excitedly.

  I look at Newt, who seems to give a nod of approval. I sigh. "Maybe." I say.

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