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  My first day at the Glade was over

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  My first day at the Glade was over. I wake up the following morning surprisingly refreshed. Not a dream. Not my own bed. Still here. Crickets sound throughout the tranquil Glade. A lot of people are asleep. In fact, everyone is asleep, except for the boys sleeping next to me. Both of their hammocks are empty, and curiosity wins me over and I decide to slip-on my shoes and look for them.

  There is so much I don't know about this place and how it works. I search the kitchen, no one is there. I search the rest of the homestead. Nothing.

  Looking high and low, they are no where to be found.

  One of the last places to look is the map room. Newt had explained that it is where they map the Maze and look for a pattern, a way out. It is strictly off limits, especially for a greenie like me who might screw everything up. Well, thats not how he said it, but that's basically what he meant.

  But for some reason, I push open the door anyways, expecting to get chewed out by the head Gladers, but its silent. No one is inside. Normally, I would take a long sigh and continue to look, but instead I walk further in.

  There are stacks of paper everywhere, climbing up the walls, taped to the ceiling, even spread across the floor. Its so cluttered it makes me nervous.
mBut the biggest thing I see is sitting on the huge circle table in the middle of the room.

  A model of the Maze sits atop it. But with wood and rock materials, it shows every corner of the Glade and every hallway of the maze. Its so much bigger than I imagined it. Walls going here, there, everywhere.

  It amazes me.

  I probably stare at it for five minutes straight, taking it all in, memorizing every inch of it. Then I turn to the papers all over the room. I piece them together, try and figure out what the runners couldn't. I am careful to not touch anything, for in a few minutes I need to sneak away and let it seem as though I was never here.

  I learn about each area of the Maze, or sectors as they seem to be called. Newt was right, the Maze has been changing every night for three years, and there is a slight pattern, but it always gets mixed up by something else. Whoever put us here were freaking geniuses. I am reading about sector 7 when I hear my name.

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