Letter 7

67 11 1

Dear Louis,

Work is stressing me out. I can't concentrate, I just want to sit in a corner and cry myself to sleep. Yeah, that's all I wanted to do. People have started thinking that I'm insane. Maybe, I am. After losing you, it is not surprise that I'm losing my mind.

Zayn brought some cookies today. He's so good at making cookies; I forgot everything for a moment when I bit into it. I wish you were here too; you were so fond of cookies. Every thought of mine is somehow linked to you, see? And then people think that I'll move on.

Harry and I are going for a movie tomorrow. He got the tickets without asking me. He said it would be a good way to take my mind off these things. I'll give it a shot, I guess.

I love you.

Yours Truly,


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