Letter 26

36 9 4

Dear Louis,

I might need to take a trip or go for hiking, I just need something to make me feel alive and I don't want to be numb. It's like I want to miss you but, I don't want to miss you. I want you to feel how much I need you but, I also don't want to be the pathetic, little girl who never knew how to keep herself together.

Unexpressed feelings just eat you up, which is one of the reasons why I write to you. It hurts to think that you only had so long to know I Ioved you as much as you did; I didn't even get the time to gather my thoughts and tell you how much you mean to me.

We're just humans-broken toys, waiting to be fixed. I can't make this perfect, even if I tried to. But, you know there's always that ray of light that seeps through the cracks of the walls of the darkest rooms. Harry seems to be that ray of light.
He's just a little golden speck that looks like the whole sun to me, maybe because it's all black around me or maybe it's just his smile. I want to feel better and he knows it so he's trying his best.

Don't worry, I would soon learn to love my life or at least just live it.

We started as an empty canvas and got rainbow-hued splatters of happiness all along but, one day it all got washed out.

Yours Truly,



Thank you for reading. :)

My twitter- ria17sep

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