The big tower

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Stealth PoV

We walk down a few streets till we get to a big tower. We both walk in and go into a elevator. Pepper pushes a button what sends us up to a floor with a big lounge and a bar that sort of thing. She says "go sit down I will be back." I follow her order and sit on the comfy sofa and wait, a man walks in he has brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing cargo shorts and a black t-shirt and in the middle of his chest was a glowing blue circle? He looks shocked and come up to me and shouts"who are you and what are you doing in my tower!" I look at him in fear, then I hear "I bumped in to her on the streets she was freezing so I bought her here." The voice came from pepper and she held a cup of hot coco and gave it to me and I slowly drunk it. He said "where's your parents? Aren't they going to be worried." I reply with "no my momma is dead and my papa, I don't know him." He looked at me then said "why don't we get you out of these clothes and then give you a blood test to see who your father is." I nod as he leaves but before he goes out the door he says "pepper get her a change of clothes then bring her to the lab, also my name is Tony. Tony Stark."

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