So yeah

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Stealths PoV

So we are all going to bed but me and dad nope, we're going to the lab. So as I work on mark 4 I get tired and go to bed but then, I remember I'm shearing a room with the kid called Oscar. I can't go to bed when I sleep my ears and tail come out. Shit. So u go back to the lab, lucky dad still here so I say "dad can't go to bed because my ears and the boy." Then he replies with an "oh. Well go sleep in my bed for tonight I am doing a all nighter and peppers at stark tower." I nod and go up into dads bedroom and flop into this bed and fall asleep.

In the morning

I wake up have a shower then make my ears and tail disappear. I get dressed and head down to breakfast. Only Steve,Jessica,fury, Oscar and Bruce are hear and they all ask "where's the food we can't find it." I laugh and then say "JARVIS can you serve breakfast please." He replies "of course miss." They look at me then sigh I guess they forgot dads a genius. Anyway I eat breakfast as I leave fury says "stealth, I need you." I reply "sorry can't need to go to lab." Fury says "lab? I don't remember a lab." I sigh and say "yeh follow me." And off we went.

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