Alan, Alan, Alan?

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Oscar PoV

We have just watched skyfall and now stealth is jumping on her bed while saying 'Alan'. So I reply with "who the fuck is Alan." She says "your mum." I just faceplam. She stops jumping on her bed and goes into the bathroom. I just read my book but then she comes out with 'Alan' on her face in marker. I laugh and continue to read while she runs out the room.

Stealths PoV

I run out the room down the stairs and jump on the back of the first person I see, who is Thor and scream 'Alan'. Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy. The Oscar comes down and says "do worry she been jumping on her bed screaming Alan too." They nod and I jump off Thor and jump on the counter top and say "I miss Alan, why did you half to die." Again everyone looks at me like I'm crazy. The Oscar comes up to me with a wet cloth and rubs the Alan off my forehead. After he's done is sit on the sofa pouting. 

Le time skip

It's night time. Me and stealth are laying on my bed. She is in her half wolf form while she is drawing in a sketchbook and I'm reading. She asks "I'm cold can I cuddle you." I nod and she rolls over and hugs me then she asks "Oscar?" I look down a her she carries on and says "I don't feel well." I hug her and get up to get some Medicean. When I get back I find her asleep on my bed I tuck her in and head down stairs.

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