The shower

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Sexual content next so if you don't like don't read but it's not sex ok. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stealths PoV

Im laying on my back on oscars bed. I'm so bored. Everyone is out or doing boring stuff, "IM BORED." I shout, and just stare at the ceiling. A few minutes latter Oscar enters the room I roll on to my stomach, and as he walk over i grab his legs. I giggle and say "I have your legs what are you going to do now." I hear Oscar mutter "please get off my legs." So I let go feeling worried but when I go to ask he's already in the bathroom. I hear hear the shower turn on, I need to what wrong but my innocent eye may not be able to un see what I will see. Also I'm scared because I'm a virgin and I never seen boy parts, but I head in anyways.

Oscars PoV

I hear the door open and I hear some mumbling. Wait did Stealth coming. I hear the shower door open and someone comes in then I feel someone arms around my stomach. "Stealth?" I say and the person replies with "yes?" I turn around and she hides her face with her hands. I notice she still in her clothes. What are wet now. Why is she hiding her face, wait isn't she a virgin? Is she scared? I smirk and ask "you ok your still in your clothes." She nods I laugh and take her hands away from her face. She quickly shuts her eyes and I see a small blush on her cheeks. I kiss her forehead and say "what's the matter are you scared?" She nods again then I say "you don't need to be scared I won't hurt you." She slowly opens her beautiful green eyes and I smile but she just looks petrified. "maybe you should take off your clothes there very wet and probably heavy." She replies with a very quick "NO." And she backs away just looking at the wall i get closer and just hug her. She wiggles in my arms trying to get out. I whisper in hear ear "just take your clothes off I now your uncomfortable in them and I won't do anything unless you want me to." She asks "can you help me." I nod and help her take her white top off then her black leggings. Now she just standing in her light green underwear and she blushing a lot then she asks "umm.... Can we get in to the bath I feel like I'm going to slip." Turn off the shower and pick her up I put her on the edge of the bath and turn in on. In this time she take her underwear off when I'm done she slips in. I the climb in behind her and pull her onto my lap.

Stealths PoV

I can't feel his man parts touching me I don't really like it but I don't move anyway. He says "I know your uncomfortable you can move if you want to." I just lay against his cheats he Seems shocked but happy. After awhile I get sleepy from the hot water and I keep try to stay awake but it's not working.

Oscar PoV

I feel her falling asleep on my lap so I stroke her hair. When she does fall asleep I get out and pick her up. Then I dry her off and put her pjs on her and place her in bed I then put mine on. I sit next to her and go on my phone it's 4:26 at night nearly dinner time but I will let her have a nap. A hour passes and she starts to wake up she crawls onto my lap and giggles cutely, I laugh and ask "what's funny?" She then replies "I still bored." I ask "when where you bored." She then replies "before you came in the room earlier also why where you sad?" I reply "I was not said just stressed I have tons of stuff to do." She nods and says "I hungry." I then give her the plate of dinner her dad gave to me to give to her when she woke up she smile then eats her food cutely.

Thx for reading please vote <3
~ Ella

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