Being bored

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Stealth PoV

I wake up in my bed. I get dressed and go look for papa but I can't find him. So I look for pepper can't find her. So I start to cry. Then I hear JARVIS say "Mr stark and miss Potts are at a party they left me in charge." So I decide to go outside.

Time skip

It's been hour since I left the tower JARVIS said it I need to stay inside and I was a bad idea. It was a bad idea, I'm lost and its night also I very cold. I'm walking thorough alleyways in a simple top and shorts. Suddenly a the man with an eye patch comes up to me and says "so I have found you little one." He takes me home and I see pepper crying and dad no where to be seen, but pepper see me and hugs me to death and puts me to bed and leaves as I fall asleep.

--------------------------------------sorry for taking so long and the chapter being short. I am hoping to update a next chapter in two days so yay. :3

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