My father is....

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(Stealth PoV)

Pepper took me to a big bedroom, then she gave me a bath and she changed me into a giant t-shirt. Pepper said "ah Tony won't mind if we use one of his old shirts." She then took me to the lab. Tony came up to me and suddenly put a needle in my arm "ow." I say the he took the needle out and did some stuff with weird thing that I don't know what it does, then we waited.

-2 hours later-

"Umm, Pepper come here now!" Tony said, Pepper went over and they started whispering about God knows what. They came over and Tony said "sweetie I am your father." I am very confused but happy I found my farther also, really tired. It has been along day. I walk up to the man that is apparently my my farther and hug his legs, then I say "I tried." He picks me up then reply with "ok then, let's find you a place to sleep and also what is your name?" You look up at him slowly and said. " stealth, stealth is my name" he looks at you funny then says "nice name, so it's stealth stark" you nod and fall asleep in his arms.

(Tony's PoV)

I took my daughter to my room and put her on the large King sized bed. I look at her face, she so adorable. Then Pepper walks in and says "she is so cute , I can't believe that your a father." We both turn to look at her. Stealth whispers papa in her sleep. Then pepper says " I bet she's dreaming about you." We both get in to bed and go to sleep.

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