Da lab of iron man

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Stealths PoV

I type the password in and we walk in. Dad looks up and gives me "what the fuck" look and I say "I am a unicorn." He just faceplams and I laugh. Then Bruce says "nice lab but only 5 suits here?" Dad replies "no there's about 45 marks here but they are hidden." And I say "JARVIS can you give me my new suit." And help places it near my work desk. And I get to work.

Tony's PoV

I'm talking to Bruce as the others look around. Stealth is working on her suit. But I desired some alcohol so I go up stairs and drink some.

Stealths PoV
I was building a new glove for the suit when Oscar came over and said "why did you not go to sleep in your room is it because of me." I shake my head 'no' and continue but he buts in again and says "why?." I just continue with my work and he walks away.

Time skip

It's dinner time but I don't want to eat even though I have not eaten since breakfast, but whatever. I'm gonna do a all nighter so I don't have to go to my room and let the boy see my wolf side.

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