Get to know them, sorta

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Stealths PoV

I wake up in bed with Oscar next to me. I don't care I just get up and change into something. I then go up to him and poke him. He wakes up and gets changed and we head to the kitchen. When we get down there I see all of them eating or chatting I shoutout " I just drank bleach." And dad burst out laughing. I sit down and eat breakfast. When I'm eating fury says "kids please get to know each other than you all ready have and stealth no running off." I reply "ok mum." And everyone laughs. So Maddie says to me "what's your favourite colour." I say "black." She replies "black isn't a colour." So I reply "then the colour of your blood on my hands." She just steps back. Then Luna asks "what's your favourite hobby." And I reply " I have two, one is make technology and suits the second (is killing people.) drawing." then Oscar asks "what's your favourite song."(the sound of people's screams as I brutal kill them XD.) "I like all music." I reply.

Le time skip

Me and Oscar continued to chat and have become best friends. Actually we are in mine and his room chatting. "So what's is your favourite movie." He asks I reply " I like James Bond movies what about you." He says "Star Wars." I nod and rub my eyes and yawn. He chuckles and says "it 23:54 let's go to bed." I nod and get changed then climb into my comfy bed.

Le time skip

I wake up and look at the time 2:11. I sigh and see Oscar sleeping. I want to wake him but that's not fair on him so I get a hoodie on and go for a walk along the cliff side.

Le time skip

When I get an hour latter and head up to bed. As I walk in I find him awake on his phone. He looks up at me and says "where have you been?" I reply " I woke up and decided to go for a walk, why you up." He says "oh I had a nightmare." I nod and say "I'm cold." Then sit next to him. He hugs me and I hug him we lay down and fall asleep in each other's arms

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