The devil daisy

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Stealths PoV

I fell asleep reading the science book, so I text Oscar.

S: I'm hungry :(
O: ok one sec <3
S: :3 <3

Where is he, it's been 11 seconds since my last text. Isn't he magical bring me my food. Just then some one walks in, I look up to find Daisy "go-o aw-ay." I stutter and she just laughs. She come up to me and slaps my cheek, i start to cry why is she hear? Then I her some else enter we look and find its Jude, he says "sorry wrong room, Daisy? Why is she crying?" "I don't know but I will find out so you can leave." He nods and heads out, she turns around and hit me in the eye. I try to push her away but she is to strong, I'm just a crazy nerd. As she hits, slaps and scratches me I just cry and beg to be left alone. After awhile Daisy is pulled away from me and met with a angry Oscar suddenly Daisy starts apologising and making excuses but she is pushed out the room by Oscar " w-hen di-d y-you ge-et he-r." I stutter he just walks over and hugs me I just cry into his shoulder. He kisses my forehead and mutter sweet sayings into my ear, I get tired and fall asleep in his arms.

Oscars PoV

I see she has fallen asleep in my arms, I lay her down and look at her cuts and marks all over her body. Nothing to serious, so I bandage the open cuts and let her sleep. I left her food by her bed, maybe if I came up sooner she would be fine. I sigh and sit next to her stroking her soft hair, maybe I should wake her up she needs to eat. I lightly shake her shoulder, I eyes open and she looks up at me. She smiles and sits up I hand her the tray of food and she starts to eat, after she has finished I put the tray on the bed side table "don't leave me again." Stealth whispers I look at her, she is shaking. I hug her and reply with "I will never leave you even if I'm not here. She nods and hugs me back I kiss her forehead and lay her back down onto the bed. She falls back asleep so I decide to sleep too.
As I fall asleep all I think about is keeping stealth save.

Sorry for the short chapter
~ Ella

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