Car is love

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Stealths PoV

I wake up, no Oscar next to me. Where is he? Suddenly Daisy burst through my bedroom door, "hi so where is Oscar?" I sit up and get off the bed then walk into the bathroom to get changed. I skip out the bathroom and find Daisy going through Oscar's stuff "um don't touch his science chemicals and shit." She looks at me and replies "nope he never said I couldn't touch it." As she try to pour one liquid into another I say "that combo of chemicals will explode." As I head out the door I hear an explosion and I shout "told you." As I go down stairs.

Oscars PoV

I'm trying to fix the Tv Thor somehow broke, I wish stealth was awake she is more better at this. As I finish up she comes down the stairs and skip over to me. She then jumps on me and muttering 'car' over and over, I poke her nose and she runs off. She's such an adorable weirdo. I put the TV back up and clear up the tools and junk, but suddenly there's a loud crash coming from the kitchen. As I walk in in find stealth und broken mugs, plates and bowls while Daisy is standing there with a smirk on her face. I look down again at stealth she is bleeding and there is shards of the mugs and stuff in some of the bigger cuts. I run to her and pick her up and take her to her bed. While I start taking out the shards from the mugs n' stuff she starts to cry probably from the pain she is feeling. I kiss her forehead and continue fixing her cuts and bandaging them. By the time I was done she was asleep. I get up to go talk to Daisy.

Daisy PoV

Dam he is still caring about her not me I cleaned the kitchen now to go talk to him. As I head out I bump into mr. Sexy he look at me with an angry look on his face, what did I do wrong. I asks "why did you do it?" That answer is simple "I want you, come to my room and we can have a little fun!" I say he get angrier and says "never I don't like you I only love stealth and I will never like you!" I pout and he just walks off. That bitch is taking MY man.

Stealths PoV

I wake up and look at the time 5:50 pm past dinner time, I will not accept I need my food. Wait I haven't eaten all day. Just then Oscar walks in with a tray and put it on my lap on a plate is homemade pizza and garlic bread plus chicken and spicy wedges and the drink is lemonade. I smile and kiss Oscar on the nose he just chuckles and I begin to eat, he sit on the edge of my bed waiting for me to finish. When I do he takes the tray and goes down stairs when he comes back he says "do you wanna go down stair." I shake my head "I'm scared of Daisy I don't wanna see her she is crazy." I say he walks over to me and sit back down on the bed he then hugs me and says "no need to be scared of her." I snuggle in to his chest and wiggle over so he can get in he takes off his clothes till he's in his underwear and climbs in. I snuggle back into him and he hugs me back, I start to fall asleep but before my body shuts down I feel Oscar kiss my forehead.

Tony's PoV

Never going to another avengers meeting again THEY ARE BORING!

Stealths PoV

I wake up and see Oscar asleep and a marker on the bedside table I climb onto his chest and draw on his face the words 'I am a penguin' on his forehead but he wakes up and rubs it off. I pout and he sits up making me fall onto his lap, he then kisses me. I get up and get changed and so does Oscar, I then jump on his back and he laughs. I hear the avengers causing havoc down stairs I wanna know what but I'm still scared of the she devil, Daisy "hey stealth, let's go get breakfast." Oscar says but I shake my head and run off to the bathroom. After a few minutes Oscar comes in and finds me crying on the bathroom floor with my knees to my face begging him not to take me out this room. He sighs and sits on the floor and pulls me into his lap and slowly rocks me back and forth. while I cry into his shoulder he mutter things about not having to go and everything's alright. I finally I stop crying and look up at him and mutter an apology but he says "don't apologies you did nothing wrong." I nod and ask "can you bring me breakfast up?" He says "of corse just get back into bed okay?" "Okay." I reply when his goes down stairs I get up off the cold floor and jump into my comfy bed. I start to read some science book of Oscars, when he enters the room with a tray of bacon, pancakes and toast with butter. I whisper a small 'thank you' and begin to eat while Oscar cleans are messy room when I finish Oscar kisses my lips and takes the tray to take down stairs. When he comes back I ask "what is everyone doing?" "Making a huge mess." He says in a annoyed voice and I giggle, he then kisses my nose and says "I'm need to go work in my lab text me if you need anything." I nod as he leaves the room. I decided to continue reading his science book.

Wow 1002 words longest chapter I have ever written. Please vote and comment and follow me.
~ Ella

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