Da avengers

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Stealths PoV

After lunch we go and play in the lounge. After a while pepper come in and says " the avengers and fury are coming." Papa seems to get annoyed by this so crawl into his lap and hug him.

-time skip to the avengers arrival and still stealths PoV-

Some people come out the  elevator so I go and hide behind the sofa. Papa go to and tells them to sit down, the comes to me and picks me up. The people seem to be shocked of me being here so I hug papa even more the he says "this is my daughter Stealth." Every ones mouths drop then a blonde man with long hair shouts " nice to meet you child of man of iron." I am confused and my ears hurt by what he said he's really loud the papa says " I think you confused her by saying man of iron." I nod and look at papas face then say "I cold." everyone awes expected papa then he gives me a blanket and I continue to hug him and suck my thumb . After a while of them talking I get bored and go play with the little pushy sheep. Dinner came and I go with papa to get in to my chibi sheep pj and get my and iron man plushy. I am sitting with papa on the sofa and everyone is chatting, I start to get tired and I lay my head on papas lap and drift of to sleep.

tonys PoV

Stealth has fallen asleep her head on my lap and her hair everywhere, everyone looks at her and I say "I had better put her in her bed." I pick her up and walk out the room and go put her in her own room.

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