I just wanna cuddle

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Stealths PoV

I wake up to I cold bed, Oscar left me. I pout and just lay there.

I start to think about Daisy, she evil and mean and I hate her I wish he would die or get hit by a bus/train. I feel a wetness on my cheeks then I realise I'm crying "I'm so weak." I mutter "no your not." I look up shocked, Oscar is there smiling so I smile back.

He sit down on the edge of the bed so he can wipe my tiers away. He kisses my nose and lays next to me, he brings me into a hug and I hug back. Sadly I can't properly hug him because of the bandage around my body, so I just let him hug me while I sorta hug him "Oscar I hate Daisy!" I mutter. He nods and replies "I know but I will always be here for you." I smile and lay my head on his shoulder, I wish Daisy would disappear. I then fall asleep again.

When I wake up Oscar is reading some science book thing. To get his attention I say "car go vromm vrooom." He chuckles and looks at me, he pats my head and puts the book down I sit up and look at the time 11:02 am "car I'm hungry." I mutter he nods and leaves the room. Ever since Daisy attacked me all I do is whisper/mutter my sentences, Im sad it's I sign of weakness. I hear the door open and look up to find Oscar with a tray full of food, he places it on my lap and I being to eat. After I'm done I find him reading again so place the tray down on the bed side table and ask in a quite voice "read it to me?" He looks at me and says " of course." I lay my head on his lap as he reads it to me, but slowly I fall asleep.

Oscars PoV

I look down to find stealth sleeping, I lay her head onto her pillow and pull the covers up to her chin. She makes a cute sound and turns to face away from me, I chuckle and sit up. I get off the bed and go to find Daisy, everyone is asleep but when I went in to her room she was not there. So I go down stairs and see her siting on the couch read a teen magazine. She looks up at me and smile but I glare back, she gets up and walks over to me and says "you gonna date me?" I slap her and say "no! Why should I, you have terrified stealth by beating her up. What's wrong with you?" She just walks up to her room sadly. So I walk back into mine and stealths, I lay down and kiss her forehead and start to fall asleep.

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