Good bye to a bitch and lots of povs

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Tony's PoV


Pepper PoV

I'm so sore (wink wink).

Oscars PoV

I wake up and find stealth jumping on her bed, I sit up and look at her she whispers "Alan." The jumps into the floor and crawls into the bathroom. Ok then.

Thor's PoV

What is yolo?

Stealths PoV

I'm in the bathroom hunting my pray, Oscar. When will he enter my domain I don't know but I hope it's soon I have my children to feed.

And I'm getting bored.

Natasha PoV

I'm a spider >^<

Clint's PoV

Caw caw mother fucker

Stealths PoV

Still waiting.....

Daisy PoV

I can't do this anymore, my precious, my sweet sweet precious will never come for me.

I'm all alone so I'm leaving I'm going back to my old home, hopefully I will find a new love.

Tony PoV

I need more sex in my life,

More sex.

Bruce's PoV
                        | |
Science (^.^)>/_\

Stealths PoV

He's about to enter, 1..2...3 and attack. Got him. He's on the floor.

Oscars PoV

aghhh help me.

Writers PoV

And that was the end is Oscar Banner, he will be missed. B)

Peppers PoV

"That was are third time today Tony!!!!" I slap him so hard he falls to the ground

Writers PoV

Tony stark will not be missed, why you ask he ate my pizza

"It was a good pizza." Tony say on the floor.

Hannah PoV

Time to update my Instagram!!!

Stealths PoV

After we got up from the ground we went down stairs to find out Daisy had left. The she devil was gone, so me and Oscar went out for the day. We went for a stroll at the park then we got pizza for lunch, that's when I got a text from pepper saying Tony needs to back off. -.- . Then we when to the cinema to watch the minions, then when went shopping then we had Chinese for dinner then we went to a bar but we where under age so we just draw Coke and talked about what's happened so far in are life together then we went home at 1:23 and fell asleep cuddling each over.


Just kidding

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