Da kiss!?!?!

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Oscars PoV

I wake up and find stealth asleep in my arms. Her face is so cute. So I just stay here and go on my phone. It's nearly 5 in the morning so I just look at the news. Then she begins to stir so I put my phone down. She looks at me then hugs me, I laugh and hug her back. I pick her up and place her on her bed, she pouts and I chuckle. Then I go get changed in the bathroom. When I get out I find her changed but laying on the floor pouting. I pick her up and take her down stairs. I find no one down her but it's 5:13 in the morning so it's not odd, most people wake up at 7 anyway. We eat breakfast and race back up to are room. I win she jumps on me pushing me into my bed. She then hugs me and says "I love you." I'm shocked but reply "I love you too." She hugs me even tighter. Then she looks up at me and I kiss her. It was short but sweet. She then goes back to hugging me. I say "so do you wanna be my girlfriend." She replies with a muffled yes since her face squished against my chest. I laugh and lay down and she lays down on me.

Le time skip

It's night, me and stealth have been in are room talking all day. We are talking about the tv show that's on right now. I kiss her forehead and turn it off she lays next to me and I put my arm around her waist and we both fall asleep.

Le time skip

It's morning and I'm in the shower. Stealth is been in stealth and shouting out Radom things, even though Im the only one who can hear her. She is shouting out thing like 'I ate a horse' or 'I need you Alan'. I get out and get changed when I step out the bathroom she instantly hugs me. I laugh and hug her back I pick her up and take her to my bed and we watch James Bond skyfall.

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