Chapter One

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Norrisville High

Everything was full of peace and quiet back on Norrisville. But, first let us meet rose on that peach colored house. She was sleeping on her bed like an angel sleeping on the cloud. Her pink locks were like the cherry blossoms fell at her.

Then she dream something,her young self was at the middle of the forest and calling her father. "Daddy, where are you?" Her young self Shouts, then a dark pinked mist appeared, with glowing pink eyes.

"Who are you? Stay away from me!" She tried to run but, the mist captured her and strange visions appeared. "Save our world, Rose..." A voice said then she jumped up with sweat and shock.

And now she is awake from that vision or dream. Rose rubs her tired eyes and looks at the time. "Three 'o' Clock in the morning?" Then she lays back.

"I guess, today's going to be my first day at Norrisville High School..."

(Time Skip)

Rose was at the kitchen with her mother cooking her breakfast. "So, what are you day dreaming, honey? I hope it was boys you thinking about!" She asked, Rose blushed with eyes wide open.

"What no..., anyways, since when did you and dad meet?" Rose asked at her mother.
"Well, we kind meet at Norrisville High and we became close sometimes..." Her mother said and her smile faded.

"Until when you were five..." Rose know what she was talking about, her father's disappearance.

"Yeah, anyway I'm gonna eat a bit more..."
Rose ate a little bit of her food. "And bye mom!" She went outside and rides her pink bike with a helmet. "Bye, sweetie!" Her mother waves and she waves back. There she goes riding on her bike, with the breeze blew at her cherry hair. The birds chirped in melody and the trees are rustled.

"Can't this day get any worst?" Then she felt something vibrate on her backpack.
Rose stopped at the sidewalk and see what it is. "Please don't tell me that, creed wants to tell me something..." She checked her bag and saw her book glowing up with Blue colors in different shading.

"Yep, just what I suspected..." Rose hides at the bush and opens the book of creed. When she opens it her head banged on the book. (Like Randy did...)

Rose was at the ancient place, seeing an Assassin and a Ninja met in battle with a monster. "When the Assassin Meets the Ninja, Must work with each other..." The creed said with letters appears at her.

"Okay, so you mean, I must team up with some Ninja I don't know?" Rose casually asks, the Assassin nodded. "Well, okay then..." Then everything turned white.

"Uh miss? Hello?" A boy called out poking her head with a stick then Rose jumped up.
"Huh, what?" Rose turns her head and saw a purpled haired boy with a raised brow.
"Wow, I thought you were dead already..." He said with a smile.

"Sorry, I almost got crashed by a squirrel..."
She lied, then he let out a hand. "Here, let me help you up..." Rose held his hand and he pulled her up. When he pulled her up, rose suddenly Trip and their faces were a little bit closer.

Her ruby eyes met his sapphire ones. "Sorry, but I gotta go..." Said rose with a blush and so does the boy. "Yeah..."
"See ya..." Rose continue riding on her bike with a wave. 'Okay, this maybe weird but he's kinda cute...' She giggled at her thoughts.

Rose arrived at the entrance of Norrisville High School. She parked her bike at the parking section and removes her helmet with whip of her hair. She went inside the hallways of lockers and find find her own locker. When she was going to find her locker someone shouted her name.

rose robertson 💐《rc9gn fanfic》💐Where stories live. Discover now