Chapter Twenty-Two

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Sneaking In

Howard and the others are climbing up the walls instead of opening the gate. "Howard, do you really have to go first? I mean you're really heavy!" Said Theresa, grunting. "I have to, because I don't have too see something gross!" Heidi was about to say but she knew what he mean. "Touche"

"Ouch, watch the hair!" Said Debbie.

"Sorry!" He said and made on top of the wall, pulling the others up and made it down to the other side of the wall.

Then they sneak into the bushes quietly.

Then some of the robo apes are guarding the place.

"What's next?" Said Debbie.

Howard taps his jaw with his finger.

"We need a disguise..." They all nodded and waited for the robo apes to come.

Some of the robo apes passed them and they dragged him over and broke his voice chip to be quiet. As they keep on doing that in order for going in they put on their bodies and went out like the robo apes.

"It's kinda weird having a head on my head..." Said Debbie, then Howard shushed her then she glared at him.

They went in and saw some shnasty things. "Shnasty..." Said Theresa, in disgust.

"You four!" Someone shouted and the gang stood still and turned their heads around. "What are you doing here?!" It was Viceroy.

"Um..." Howard trailed. "We are here to keep watch on the assassin and the ninja sir!" He said, like a robot voice.

"Yes, sir!" Said Theresa, like a robot voice.

The two nodded and Viceroy raised his eyebrow as they all sweat in fear, hoping their not caught.

"Alright. Why are you four standing go! Just go straight then turn to your left and you will see a huge door." Viceroy commanded and they did as told.

"Heh nailed it!" Howard whispered.

Back with the ninja and the assassin are at bubbles as the assassin was banging the bubble hoping to get out of there.

"We can't get out of here, Sass!" The Ninja shouted.

She ignored him and keep on banging the bubble.

"I won't!" She banged on the side.

"give!" She banged on the other side again.

"up!" The assassin slides, tears are pouring down to her mask.

She curled her body, like an armadillo, hugging her legs then cries.

"I just wanted... to get... out of here..." She sniffed. The ninja sighed and said.

"Look you're going to be fine and-"

"Ohh.... *Great* The ninja of Norrisville cares about me! even though He's still mad at me of the spot when I appeared in front of you!" She shouted, pointing at him then crossed her arms with a 'hmp!' came out of her mouth.

"Hey, I am only saying that so you can calm your cheese!" He pointed at her.

"Do I wonking look calm to you, Ninja?" She said and He was speechless.

"Of course not, you wonking jerk!" The Assassin shouted and sat down with a pout.

The ninja sat down on the bubble, with a sigh came out from his mouth. "even if you call me a jerk doesn't mean that you could be such an idiot..." He mumbles and didn't even know that it was loud.

"I can wonking hear ya, you Jerk!" She shouted and the ninja growled.

They go straight then they turn left and saw a huge door. "Okay.., I thought he was kidding but woah..." said Heidi and opens the door revealing a dark hallway.

"I hope she's okay..." Said Heidi.

They all walked inside and Howard blocks the door, so the other robo apes won't come in.

To Be Contined...

Okay, I am very sorry If this was short because, I was very busy doing some 'stuff' in my life so yeah.

Hope you all enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to add this to your library or your favorites or vote this story!

The next upcoming chapter will be "Revealing Themselves"

Bye and as Always;

Always Be Happy! \(^0^)/

Totally Sorry 😴

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