Chapter Thirteen

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Facing Her Greatest Fear

Today was Physical Education or should I say P.E. They were line up and wear their P.E uniforms. "Alright, today you will about to climb the rope and dodge the balls!" The Gym teacher pointed the basketball team which made them all terrified.

'Oh my Cupids...' Rose was more terrified of climbing the rope. She tied her hair with the ribbon that Randy gave her and she wear her pink sneakers.

'I thought, we were supposed to run in the field but this is even worse!' Rose was shaking in fear and Randy notice. "Are you okay?" He asked. "I..m f-Fine!" She stuttered, shaking in fear.

Randy holds her to stop shaking and said "Hey It's going to be okay. I'll be there for you..." He smiled and she calms and smiled back at him. "Alright, Rose Robertson!" The Gym Teacher shouted and Rose nodded.

She looks up and gulps. Rose climbs up not looking down then they begin throwing the balls. Rose dodges the balls, holding her grip and trying not to look down. "Woah!" Rose almost lost her grip and heard Randy. "Don't worry Rose! I'll catch you!" Then the students cooed.

Which made him blush in deep red. Rose continues climbing up and prayed for the heavens for safety. "Don't look down. Don't look down." She repeated then she looks down, feeling dizzy. 'Why do I feel lightheaded...' Rose lets go of the Rope and fell in slow motion. The Students gasp and Randy was letting his arms out to catch her.

"I gotcha! I gotcha!" He catches Rose in his arms. Then someone caught a picture of them. Randy turns his head and saw Heidi with her best friend Theresa. "Heidi!" Randy shouted as he blushed in deep red.

"What I was just adding this news to my blog!" Randy notice Theresa was looking at him with eyes of jealousy. "Anyways, teach, I'm going to take Rose to the clinic." He said, carrying Rose in bridal style.

"Will that be okay?" He asked the gym teacher. "Yes." Randy nodded and walks out of the gymnasium. Heidi and Theresa were peeking at the side looking at them running.

"Young Love..." Heidi breaths and Theresa groans. "Oh. Sorry, about that. I forgot that you liked him." Theresa leans and looks away. "You know what I am going to him tommorrow and show my feeling for him!" Heidi would like that but, she doesn't.

"Randy, you are going to be mine!" Said Theresa, eyes filled with 'Determination'.

Back to the future shipping couple. Randy carries Rose and found the clinic. "Don't worry, Rose..." Rose was mumbling in her sleep. He slams the door open and shouted.

"Nurse! I need help!" He called, carrying Rose in bridle style. "Yes?" The nurse came questioning him. "Rose suddenly fainted from the gym." He said as Rose begins to snuggle his shirt. Which makes him blush.

The nurse carries her and lays her down on the bed. Randy sits down and looks at Rose as the nurse was checking her temperature, her heart beat and her nerves. "How was she doing?" He asked the nurse.

"Well she is fainted. She will wake up about a few hours." Randy breaths out and calms himself. "Phew."

"You could let her stay while you will have to continue class." She said but, Randy shakes her head. "No no! I think I should stay here for her. Rose, will be having some weird nightmares again..." He looks on Rose, sleeping peacefully.

"Okay, Mr. Cunningham take good care of her." The nurse walks out, leaving the two of them. "Please, wake up..." He whispers to her.

Rose was dreaming again and heard wedding vows. 'Where am I?' She questions at her thoughts. "Will you take Rose Robertson, to be your beloved wedded wife?" The priest asked the... groom?

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