Chapter Fourteen

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If Only Pt. 1

Randy and Howard came home with a well, argument. Howard was pacing back and forth still mad at him. "You have to tell Rose that you are the Ninja!" He said, trying not to wake up Heidi. "I am!"

"Then why didn't you?!" Howard asked.

"Because, I don't know I was ready!" Randy shouted. Then they interrupted her sleep.

"Hey, can't you two just shut up?!" It was Heidi. "I am trying to have a beauty sleep!"

"Sorry, SIS!" Howard shouted, then turns his head to Randy. "You better tell the truth tomorrow or else you two will be in the friendzone!" He pointed him.

"Alright, Alright, I'll tell her!" He closed the lights. "They better tell the truth..." Howard mumbles and didn't know he say that out loud. "What was that, Howard?" Randy asked.

"Nothing! Good Night!" Howard wents to his bed and sleeps. Randy shrugs and said "Night, bro!"

For a few hours, He couldn't sleep. Randy tried to sleep from the left to the right but, It failed. He sighs and decided to visit Rose as the ninja himself.

Rose was trying to sleep but, can't stop thinking about Randy and the ninja. She got out of her bed and heard a knock of her balcony door. Rose walks to the balcony door and saw the ninja waving at her. Rose blushes and smiles.

She opens her door. "Hey Ninja, I didn't know you would come here." She said, twirling her pink locks.

The Ninja blushes, with a nervous laugh. "You know me, A Ninja needs to visit a beautiful girl like you." Rose blushes in different shades of pink. "T-Thank y-o..u!" She stutters. 'God, she's cute...'

"What are you exactly doing here?" Rose asked.

"Well, I just wanted to see you If you're okay..." Rose blushes even more. 'OMC!! The Ninja's gonna protect me!' She internally screams.

"So, hows you're day?" He asked, sitting down at her bed.

"It's great!" Rose smiles at him.

There was a bit of awkward silence between them with the sound of the clock ticking.

Rose looks at the ninja drumming his fingers on his knee, thinking of something. She sighed and says "You should probably get back." She opens her Balcony door for him. "It's getting late and my mom will come back here tomorrow in the morning..." The ninja walks outside, as his scarf was flowing by the wind. "Bye..., Hero and Goodnight..." She was about to close her balcony door but the ninja hold the door.

"Is something wrong, ninja?" She asked.

Then he says "Can I get a goodbye and a goodnight kiss?" Rose looks at him in shock. She was about to say yes then. "On the lips, first?" He said, with a blush hiding on his mask.

Rose was blushing hard and began stuttering. "U-um I-i we-well i-I d-Don't know- I mean s-sure!"

She stops stuttering and took one step in front of him. Her hands brush through his mask and decided to only the half of his mask. The ninja was blushing and so does Rose. Their breaths were combining and felt their hearts beating fast. "You know what, I don't think-" The ninja tried to refused but, interrupted by Rose slamming her lips into his.

He was shock at first then melted into the kiss. The ninja runs his fingers right her waist and they deepen the kiss. His tongue slipped into her mouth then suddenly... "mmm..." She suddenly moaned at him. They both pulled away and looked shock then their salivas were slowly dripping from their mouths.

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