[V2] Chapter One

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A New Friend and A New Rival P.1

Rose suddenly hear laughter in her dream. She saw her little self with a girl with blonde short hair. "We'll always be best friends forever right, Yonaka?" The little Rose herself asked.

The small blonde girl smiled and said,

"Of course.., we'll be best friends... Forever.."

Rose widens her eyes, awake with the sound of the beeping alarm and her phone ringing. She sits up and presses the button of the alarm to go off then quickly looks at the time. Her eyes widen at the time,

"Heh?!! 6:30!!?" She yelled, jumping off of her bed rushing inside the bathroom. Rose takes a quick shower and wear her usual everyday clothes. (which her clothes are exactly the same)

Rose heard her phone ringing again, then she answers the call. "Hello? this is Robertson speaking how can I help?!" Rose speaks through her phone.

"Babe, where are you already... I miss you..." Rose sighed and knew who it was, "Cunningham, I overslept and I miss you too.." Rose smiled and realize that she was running out of time.

"Cunningham, I'll be there just wait for me kay? Love you bye!"

"Wuh? Wait!!" Randy tried to respond but she ends the call. Randy sighed but smiled. Rose rushed down the stairs and almost tripped then saw a note on the kitchen fridge.

"Dear Rosie, this your mother and I have borrowed your bicycle, just to have some exercise.. there's a skate board in the garage you haven't used since you were little so... Hope you enjoy with your cute boyfriend~ 😘"

Rose's left eye twitch and sighs. 'Great.. Now how am I going to attend school?' Rose asked at her thoughts. 'wait.. Mom said that there's a skate board at our garage..' Rose hummed walking to their garage and opened the garage door.

She sighed again, putting on her helmet knee pads, elbow pads and some protection for safety wonks. "Okay.. just lift your leg and Go!" Rose skates out of the garage and the garage door automatically closes. She skates on the streets, almost losing balance of her first time skating on the the skate board.

Randy on the other hand was at the entrance, waiting for his beloved flower. "Hey Cunningham, you know you're going to be late because of this..." said Howard, standing right next to him.

Randy chuckled and looked at his best bro friend. "Listen Howard, me and Rose are together since last week of that whole embarrassing singing..." Randy looked at the road, remembering the song he sang for Rose. "And then you guys make out that evening.." said Howard, having a sip with his soda.

Randy remembers that evening and couldn't help it.

"R-Randy!!" Randy hears her voice in his head. Randy held his head, shaking trying to remove his sinful lust in his thoughts. "Randy..?" Howard questions. "Howard, It's just a little smooch and that's all!" Randy explained some detail.

"NOT THAT, CUNNINGHAM!! THAT!!!" Howard pointed at that direction, where he was facing then Randy looked to where he was pointing. He saw Rose skating then suddenly loss balance.

"Watch Out!" Rose shouted as She crashed at Cunningham, luckily Howard got out of the way.

Rose hissed in pain then rubs the back of her neck. "Ow... that must've been hurt, huh? Cunningham...?" Rose looked down at her boyfriend, he seems dazed from the crash. Rose feels sorry,

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