Chapter Twenty-Five

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The Finale Pt. 2

"I... I..." Rose trailed.

"What's your answer, Assassin?" The Lord Questions. The assassin was struggling with these choices.

"The clock is ticking..." He spoke, with his finger up and moves to the left and the right.

The ninja was worried, and starts to look at her pouring with sweat. 'I have to do something...' Then some of Nomicons ancient words appeared in front of him.

"Two souls but with a single thought, two hearts that can beat as one.." He read out.

"What..?" The assassin questions him. He went up to the lord and shouted...

"No!" Rose, Viceroy, McFist gasped at him.

"Why, you bloody ninja?!" The lord shouted and stood up along with his staff/triton. The ninja looks at the assassin with a worried look then spoke. "Because, Lord..." He trailed and the lord began to glare at the ninja.

"Nomicon and Creed, are our guardians and they helped us whenever we were hopeless and needed answers to our lives..." The lord began gritted his teeth at him as Rose the assassin began to think as she looked at her book. Then time stopped.

'Do we have to give you two away?' She thought then some his words appeared. 'No Rose....' He said.

'Why?' She asked him in thought.

'Because, you two are destined to have each other and this is your destiny to save the people and the world so does he...' Creed pointed with some arrows at the ninja. 'Alright, Creed... thanks...' Rose smiled and Creed gave her a thumbs up symbol. The time resume of where the Ninja was confronting the dark lord.

"Don't you know that those Books are leading you to a tragic answer..." The lord pointed as his eyes are glowing white. "No!" The assassin shouted and The dark lord turns his head to look at her. "and why is that, you puny little assassin?!" He asked.

"These books are leading us to a good ending and a good answer!" The ninja looked at her in awe. 'Holy Juice, I am wonking lucky to have her' He thought and shouted. "That's right, Lord!"

The dark lord gritted his teeth. "You two leave me no choice..." The lord send out his dark soldiers and they teleported in front of them. "Gah!" The ninja jumps on the assassins arms and gave him a serious look and he shrugged at her.

"I can't wait to see you two die..." The call turns off and they charged at them. The ninja jumps off of her arms and they split up. The lord spawned them more.

"Run!" McFist runs away and Viceroy joins in.

"Holy Cheeze!" The assassin and the ninja both said.

"Jinx!" They point at each other and dodge their attacks. The assassin pulled out her two tomahawks and chopped off the dark soldiers head. "Looks like your head just got Chopped..." The assassin punned that joke and the ninja suddenly. "Hey Sass, you've made my heart bloom as a rose." He winked while attacking the other dark soldiers. The assassin blushes with a blush and a smile hidden through her mask.

"T-Thank you, Ninja..." She blushed and saw a dark soldier right in front of her. The assassin uppercuts him in the air and jumps. "Hey Ninja, heads up!" She kicks the dark soldier coming right at the ninja and he quickly pulled his ninja sword and sliced the soldier. They high five and now they were surrounded by more dark soldiers.

"Ready for a fight combo, sass?" The ninja asked her. "ready when you are, Ninja!" He used long scarf to wrap around her waist and the assassin pulled her two tomahawks.

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