Chapter Eleven

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Happy ValenBirth Day!

An alarm was ringing on to Roses' side of the bed. She pressed the off button and yawns, stretching her arms. "Another Day, Another Love..." Rose went to the bathroom and began brushing her teeth. She gargle and spits then show a lovable smile. Rose opens the shower and began putting some cherry blossom shampoo with Rosy scents on her pink hair.

Randy was at his kitchen eating some cereal. Then felt a vibration on his pocket It was his phone. He opens his phone and phone a message from his best friend "Howard" instead some previous message of him and Rose. (You could tell it was nonstop)

Howard: Dude, I have to tell you something! It's very important!

Randy thought there could be some more robots of McFist or stanked classmates.

Randy: What is it, Howard? Robo apes? Evil Julian? 😨

Howard: No. Not that! 🙅

Randy calms down with his breath out and begin to reply.

Randy: what is it then? 😓

Howard: 📆🌹🎂🎁🎉

Randy was speechless and doesn't even know what it means. Then began sipping the glass of water.

Randy: I don't get it. 😓

Howard: Dude, Today is Roses' Birthday! 😤

Randy suddenly spits his water with wide eyes. "Randall Cunningham?!" His mother shouted. "Sorry, Mom!" He said, wiping off the water that he spit. 'Why the juice, Is Roses' Birthday in Valentines Day?!'

Randy: Today?! In Valentines Day?! 😲

Howard: Yes! 😒

Randy: Since, when did you know?! 😵

Howard: My sister, Heidi, told me last week.

Randy: Well you should've told me! 😤

Howard: Just go get Rose and bring her here at school!

Randy: wait, what am I suppose to do?

Howard: You will keep on Distracting Rose and Don't tell her today was her birthday! while me and the gang were decorating at the park.

Randy: Alright, I'll get Rose.

Howard: Make sure your girlfriend doesn't get hurt! 😉💑💘

Randy slaps his face then felt the warmth of his face. He swung his bag over to his shoulders and rushed out to the door. "Bye mom, I'll be having a birthday mission I won't be late bye mom love you!" He said out fast. He rides his bike and find Roses' House.

Rose of course, Just as she rubs her hair with the shampoo, some soapy bubbles have make Roses' eyes in pain. "Gah! Soap in my eye!" Then she slipped on the wet floor. "I'm okay!" She wrapped the towel around her top body and grab a pair of clothing which was the same from last week.

Randy arrives to her house and walks up to her door. He reached out his hand to the door bell and pressed it. The door was open showing Roses' mother in her apron. "Oh, you must be my daughters Boyfriend!" Randy blushed in deep red. He was about to say something but she laughed.

"I'm just kidding. anyways, come in!" Randy walks in and saw some family pictures hanging from the wall. "So, what brings you here?" She asked, sitting down at the couch. "I am here to take Rose into a Birthday surprise!" He told.

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