Chapter Twenty-Four

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The Finale Pt. 1

They all walked in the dark hallway with silence nothing but footsteps echoed through the hallway. Randy looks at Rose looking down with pure sadness. Howard suddenly punched his arm. "Ow..." He hissed in pain and glares at Howard. "What?!" Howard pulls his arm and whispers at his ear.

"You have to talk to her, Cunningham..." He whispered. "I am!" Randy quietly shouted.

Heidi walked to Roses side and whispers to her. "Come on, Rose don't wanna accept his forgiveness? I mean he is the ninja of norrisville..." Rose looks down a bit more. "I could but not now..." She said.

"Oh no, my friend now means now!" The Weiner siblings both said that and shoves them both and they bumped into each other.

Rose and Randy walks there awkwardly. "So... um.. Hi, Rose The Assassin..." Randy waved at her with a nervous smile. Rose giggled and said "Hello, Randy The Ninja..." They both laughed. She waved back and the gingered siblings are listening to their conversation. "So.. you're the ninja of norrisville?" Rose questions.

"Yeah... It's a ninja duty thing..." He answered. "I see..." She began twirling her hair, with a blush of tinted pink.

"And you are the Assassin?" He questions Rose, then she nodded. "So... do you have like a ancient knowledge book that gives you um Advice?" She asked the ninja.

"Um... yeah... His name was Nomicon." Randy pulled out the book from his back and showed it to her. "He kinda trains me sometimes and when I did something wonking wrong or being depressed at something he kinda gives me some advice..." He scratches the back of his head.

"Well... that's the same for me and Creed." She spoke.

"Creed?" Randy said his name as Rose pulled out from her jacket and showed it to him.

"Woah..." He breathed out.

Rose giggles. "I know right?"

They both laughed then they looked at each other with a smile.

"Rose Robertson...?" He spoke.

"Yes...?" She answered. "Could-" He was about to apologize but, Howard interrupted them with a problem. "Before, you guys are about to confess, we have a problem..." Randy puts his mask on and Rose pulls her hood up and lifts her mask. They peek on the door, the hallways are filled with Roboapes. "Now what?" Said Theresa.

"Heh. easy, I can knock these roboapes in ten seconds..." He was about to go out but, Rose stopped him. "Wait..." Rose grabs his arm and looked at him.

"What?" He questions. "Maybe, I should do it..." She winked and he blushed then smiled. "Alright, Rose..." He said, opening the door for her. Rose cracks her knuckles and stretches her whole body. She steps outside and said

"Watch and learn, Babe..." Randy suddenly blushes and Rose quickly dashed out without being seen then used her dagger to cut the roboapes voice box. (Gee, this is violent... O.O) She pulls the robo ape and hides its robotic body.

Another robo ape came and Rose snatched him from the darkness and threw at the other robo ape. She checks if theres more but it was all clear.

"All clear guys!" She quietly shouted.

They all went out and Howard was suddenly laughing at Cunningham with his jaw wide open. 'Oh My Juice, She is so Bruce!' He thought and Rose giggles then closed his jaw. "You better close your mouth, ninja. There might be flies..." said Rose, pointing out with a wink.

Randy blushes and they all sneak through the hallways. as they walk through the hallways some of the robo apes aren't roaming around. "That's weird. The Robo Monkeys didn't roam around this area." Said Heidi.

"I bet, their just grabbing some coffe for mister, McFist..." Said Howard with a shrug.

Rose and Randy knew something was going to happen. "I don't know guys, I think maybe they'll pop out, with their guns in about 5 seconds..." She was right.

The Robo apes popped out with their guns and they are now surrounded. "Yep. You called, Sass..." Said the ninja.

McFist came in with Viceroy. "Well... well..., If it isn't The Ninja, The Assassin and their puny friends..." He said, chuckles.

"What the juice, do you want, freak!?" The Assassin shouted, pulling out her tomahawk. She saw a robo ape pointing the gun at her. she puts it back and he lowers the gun at her.

"Well... you see our lord..." He growls at the name lord. The gang looked at eachother with confusion. "...wanted to see you too..." He said and turns.

"Follow me and don't think of trying to escape..." Some of the Robo apes separated Them and their friends. They went in the elevator with some tune music. They waited for the final floor and the elevator stopped and opens the door. revealing his office and some crystal ball that was on his desk.

"Why are we here, exactly?" The Ninja asked. "Yeah..." Rose trailed with a curious pout that made Randy giggled at her cuteness. "Well you see our lord has given out a permission to us to bring you the ninja and the assassin here..."

They looked at each other with a serious gaze and they both said "Go on..."

"Well..." A dark voice interrupted him. Viceroy opens the video call with shivers and hides. It reveals a man with a red triton with a black cape and a hood that covers his head. It was the Dark lord. "Have you brought them here?" The lord questions him. The ninja and the assassin steps back. "Yes, my lord!" He bowed and leaves them.

"Hello..., Lord." The assassin waved and the lord chuckles.

"Now you may have wondered why are two here right...?" He questions.

"Yes...?" The ninja answered.

"Well the reason why are you two here are..." The and Ninja and the Assassin waited for his response.

"Is that you give me Nomicon and Creed..."
He said and they widen in shock.

"We can't do that!" The Assassin shouted, holding the book away from him. "Yeah, these books belong to us!" The ninja agreed.

"Oh but you will!" He says.

They looked at him in confusion. "didn't you two know It was difficult of being the ninja and the assassin?" He showed them some of the memories they had back then.

"So... what do you say...?" He trailed as the two looked down at their books.

"I know you will pick the right choice.." He smirked and they looked at each other with fear and hold their books tight.

"I... I...." Rose trailed.

To Be Continued...

ooh... Cliff Hanger! 😗
Anyway only two more chapters for the finale what will they choose? You decide!

Hope you all enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to vote this or add this story to stay tuned! Bye and as Always;

Always Be Happy! \(^0^)/

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