Chapter Fifteen

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If Only Pt. 2

Rose wears her helmet and notice Randy and Theresa are walking out of the school. She sighs and rides her bike. 'Maybe, I should go to the park and forget about it...' She thought and for a few minutes, she arrive at the entrance.

She puts down her helmet on the bike and locks on the fence. Rose took out Creed and held it then brings her backpack. She lays down on a cherry tree then some of the petals or leaves fell on top of her hair.

Rose was about to read some of Creed's Assassin Knowledge then felt a vibrate on her phone. "And who could that be?" Rose took out her cellphone and saw a call from her Best Friend in Paris 'Marinette'.

Rose taps the the call button and says

"Bonjour, Marinette!" She called in french.

"Bonjour, Rosetta!" Marinette answers.

"So, How's Paris, France?" Rose asked, tapping her fingers on her knee. "Oh It's fine! Me and my dad are playing video games!" She said and Rose heard some controls are tapping. "That's awesome!" Said Rose.

"I know right? So, How's Norrisville? Heard, that you're having a new boyfriend?" Marinette chuckles through the call. Rose blushes and knew what she meant.

"You didn't watch the Bad Romance thing, Right?" She questions, with nervousness. "I actually watched it and I kinda like your new style..." She says, making Rose blush even more than a red tomato.

"So what's the boys name?" Marinette asked.

"Well his name was Randy, Randy Hunkinham..." Rose spoke.

"Hunkinham?" She questions.

"I- I mean Cunningham! Cunningham!" Rose bangs her head with the book.

Marinette laughed and sighs. "So..., Did you two...? you know Hang out?" She asked, which made Rose laughed, remembering all the good times. "It was kinda fun..."

"I met him at the first day of school, then I met some new friends, Randy and my friends celebrated my 15th Birthday on Valentines Day, Then Randy and I have some Sleepover at my place, then..." She paused and notice Theresa and Randy on the other side of the lake.

Rose looked at them and they were having fun. She felt her heart was about to break. Rose held her chest and keep on staring at them. They both laughed then...

Her eyes widened because Theresa kissed him. Randy was surprise at first then she backs away. (For any of you RosAndy fans out there, I am so sorry! 😭)

"Rose? Rosetta? Robertson?" Marinette was calling then Rose felt a tear streaming down on her face. "I- I gotta go!"

"Rose? Wai-" Rose hangs up and saw them holding each other's hand. Her heart shattered then stumbled down and more tears came out from her eyes. She took off her glasses and wipes her tears.

She sniffed and cries more and realized that she does have feelings for Randy.

A Million thoughts in my head,

Should've let my heart Keep listening...

Rose looks through her gallery and saw a photo of her and Randy on a sleepover.

I know, It's time, to say goodbye...

Rose taps the trash can button and gives the option to delete it or not.

'Do you wish to delete this picture?'

'Yes' 'No'

So hard, to let go...

'Yes' 'No'

'Deleting complete...'

Rose stands up and brings back her things then ignores the two officially-not otp- Couple. "I wish I could tell him the truth..." Rose storms off, crying and passed Howard. "Hey Robertson, where you going?" He asked, then she ignores him.

Howard looks at Randy and Theresa which made him let out some steam.

"Bye Randy!" Said Theresa, waving at him with a wink.

"Bye Theresa!" He waves back with a nervous smile.

Theresa walks away and Howard popped up and began shouting at him. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME, CUNNINGHAM?!" that made Randy's ears ring. He groans and questions him. "What is it, Howard? and aren't you supposed to tell Rose the truth?"

"Yes but, I wasn't!!" He shouted even more.

Randy groans. "Howard, how about you tell me what Rose tell you!" He pointed and made Howard nervous. "I can't wonking tell you!" Randy growls and grabs him by the color of his shirt then shakes him.

"WHY CAN'T YOU TELL ME?! YOU AND ME ARE BEST BROS!!! AND YOU BETTER WONKING TELL ME WHAT ROSE WAS WONKING TOLD YOU!!!" As Randy shouted at Howard. Howard begins to sweat and nervous then he shouted.

"ROSE LIKES YOU!!!" Howard shouted and made the whole park heard it then he panted. Randy looks at him in shock and couldn't believe it, he steps back with a smile pursed through his lips.

"That means I could finally have a chance to tell her the truth!" He said and smiles even more. "Woohoo! yeah!" He cheered himself.

Howard face - palmed at him.

"What?" Randy questions.

"You don't, Cunningham..." He spoke.

"What do you mean, I don't, Howard?" Randy crossed his arms at him.

"Because, Cunningham, Rose saw all of it!" He pointed it out and Randy chuckles, thinking it was a joke.

"Pssh.. yeah right..." He said.

"It's not a joke, Cunningham!" Howard shouted.

"Rose just passed by me, Crying!" Randy smile faded and it made him serious.

"You mean, she saw all of it?" He questions.

"All of it!" Howard added.

"Even the kiss that I didn't want to?" Randy questions again.

"Even the kiss..." Howard sighed.

Randy knew that this was going to be hard.

"Uh oh..."

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