Chapter Seventeen

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Her Decision

Before we could Start this book has hit 1k's everybody 1k's!!! QuQ

Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter!

Theresa has decided to break up with Randy and Bring Rose and Randy to explain and together.

Theresa was at her locker and saw Randy waiting for Rose to come. He was leaning with a sad look on his face. Theresa looks down with a worried look and sighs.

She walks up to Randy and Said. "Hey Randy!" She waved.

"Oh Hey Theresa... So what do you want?" He questions, with a nervous smile.

"Nothing... I decided that we should break up..." She said and Randy was just staring at her like a ghost. "You serious, Fowler?" Randy questions and She nodded.

"Look, Cunningham I noticed that you and Rose are getting closer so I know that you two will make a great couple." Theresa smiled and placed her hand on his shoulder. "I kinda liked you from the start but Rose likes you even more than I do.." Theresa told.

"Does this mean.., I have a chance to tell her my true feelings?" Said Randy.

She nodded. He smiles and starts shouting "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! YES!" He pumps his hands up in the air and Theresa giggled at his childish behavior. "Hey guys, what's going on?" Heidi came.

"Now I am going to talk Rose about this just go to class me and Heidi have something important to do..." Theresa told.

"We do?" Heidi questions.

"Yes we do!" Theresa drags Heidi along with her to Roses House. "Are you sure, this is going to work, Fowler cause I don't know If she'll even like Randy back..." Heidi told and Theresa pushes the door bell.

"Yes and we must set RosAndy sail!" She shouted.

"Yes..., but what about her assassin thing? I mean Howard almost spill her secret last week..." The door opens, revealing Roses mother. "I told you Rose was-" Her mother was about to say something but, she saw two girls waving at her with a nervous smile. "Hi miss Robertson! Is Rose home by any chance?" Said Heidi.

"Yes she was... She's upstairs in her room and you know playing one of those video games..." Her mother pointed and they both walked up the stairs and knocks on her door. "Go away, I'm busy!" Rose told.

They both shrugged and creaks the door open. Rose was wrapped around her blanket with her headphones and her controller in her hands and some random stuff was laying on the floor. "Rose?" Heidi spoke and Rose turns her head then looks at them with dark eyelids from the bottom of her eyes.

"Oh my Juice!" They both shouted.

"What the juice, do you want girls? can't you see that I'm busy..." Rose spoke and continues playing the game. Heidi shoves Theresa, meaning go to talk to her gesture. "Rosie, I know that you have some feelings with Randy..." Rose pauses.

"And Randy have some feelings for you too!" Rose thinks for a moment.

'Cunningham, has some feelings for me? But the whole liking Theresa thing was a lie!? does this mean... he played my feelings?!' Many thoughts hit Roses head.

"Maybe, you could come back to school and maybe talk to him?" Said Heidi, placing her hand on her shoulder but Rose slapped it. They both looked shock and then Rose shouted.

"NO! I had enough having a love story!" She pointed, with eyes of pure anger.

"But Randy-" Theresa was about to say something but Rose interrupt her.

"NO, Theresa!" Rose shouted at her. Theresa looks at her in shock and so does Rose. She turns away, looking at the ground thinking of Randy.

"Listen, girls... every love story has a happy ending but..." Rose looks at them, revealing tears streaming down to her face. "It only had a tragic ending. no love, no happy ending, no forever, just empty inside and a shattered heart..." Rose clenched at her fist.

"But Rosie!" Heidi but Rose interrupt her again. "You girls can't fix me! I'm already broken and there is no cure for me... so please..., just. get. out?" Said Rose.

"But-" Theresa and Heidi were about to say something but Rose shouted with pure anger. "GET OUT!" Rose shoves them outside and slammed her bedroom door.

They both looked at each other meaning that this isn't going work at all.

"What are we gonna do, Heidi?!" Shouted Theresa.

"Don't worry, I'm sure that she'll change her mind..." Said Heidi.

"I am never changing my mind, girls!" Rose shouted through the door.

"Okay, maybe not..." Heidi spoke.

Theresa was pacing back and forth, panicking. "Randy was happy to tell Rose his feelings, but Rose denies it and now I am now here pacing back and forth of what am I gonna do?!" She said fast and Heidi placed her hand on her shoulder meaning to calm down.

"How about you should calm down while I am going to talk to Howard..." Said Heidi and Theresa nodded.

Heidi takes out her cellphone and calls Howard.

"Hello?" Howard called.

"Hey Howard, There is one problem about trying to set RosAndy sail into the ocean?" She said, with a nervous laugh. Howard was sipping some soda. "Yeah so...?" He trailed. "Rose denies us!" She said and Howard spits his soda. "WHAT?!" He shouted through the call.

"Yes and we have no idea what to do right now!" She said.

Howard sighed. "I guess we should leave them on their own." Heidi was speechless and said "No! there has to be another way!"

"Look, sis we have to give Robertson some space and so does Cunningham.." Said Howard.

"But what if..." Heidi trailed.

"What if?" Howard questions her.

"But what if, They are going to be friends instead?!" She asked. Howard sighed again and said.

"I guess they are just going to hit the friend zone..."

To Be Continued...

Hope you all enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to vote this story or add this to your library to get notified of a new chapter!

Bye and as Always;

Always Be Happy! \(^0^)/

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