Chapter Eight

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How Rose Became The Assassin

Rose, Heidi, Theresa, Debbie, and Howard were at her house practicing her scripts. They practice and practice and took a break. "So, I was wondering where did you found Creed?" Howard asks muffling his mouth full of cookies.

"Do you guys really wanna know?" Rose feels nervous and everyone nodded. "Okay, first! Lock the door, cover the windows and lights off..." They did everything and Rose lit up her lantern.

"It all started on Paris, France..." She said then pause. "Are we going hear a scary story?" Howard questions. "Eh... No..." Said Rose. "Then why are you locking the door, cover the windows and turning the lights off?" He questions. "Because, this is a secret that no one will know Rosies Identity?" Said Heidi, crossing her arms. "Ooooh..." Said Howard then Rose clicked her tongue. "Anyways... It all started on Paris, France..."

Roses Point of View

I was like fourteen with my mother having a picnic on the forest where my father well, gone missing. "Wait... So, your father was missing?" Debbie questions.

"Pretty much, yeah!" I answer. "Okay, continue!" Anyway, when I walk around the forest I suddenly well fell. I fell right through the bushes, then right on those autumn leaves.

I hissed in pain and saw an ancient corrupted temple. I saw some really spooky skeletons and some gorey smell that caught in my nose. When I went in I suddenly fell again in a hole.

"Wow, you really are clumsy back then..." Said Theresa. "Yeah well you know me..." As I fell down the hole I saw the book that was calling me. The Creeds of Assassination. I hear him calling my name and wanted me to take it like;

"Take it! Take it! Take it!"

"Okay, you can stop with the Take it thing right now..." I shake my head and give a smile. Okay, as I was saying I didn't know what am I supposed to do. I reached out my hand and took it.

I open the book and many ancient words were in it. It was so Bruce! And I saw secret compartment was open. There was a hood from the assassins back then! I patted the dirty hood and it looks good as new.

I wanted to tell everyone but, there was a carving on the wall saying "You are the assassin and Don't tell anyone!" As I wear the hood I felt my whole body lifting up and landed. I open my eyes and look at myself.

I was wearing the assassinations ancient clothes. I never knew this could happen so I try doing something. "Fly!" I saw my back with angel wings and I suddenly flew up.

And I forgot that I am afraid of heights.
"Wait your fear was heights?" Debbie questions and I nodded. "Then how are you jumping through the buildings?" Howard questions me and I said "I only took the streets..." They ohed at me and I continue the story.

I multiple said stop and crashed right at the tree branches. My mother called me and I quickly removed my hoodie. She asked me why am I hanging from the tree so I say getting a better view?

My mother and I went home and I told her that I should take a walk. I found the perfect hiding spot and I wear my hoodie. I can grapple through buildings, I can fly, I can chop anything with these brucing tomahawks then suddenly I hear a scream.

I quickly sprinted and finding the person. It was an old lady trapped by bad guys so I took out my tomahawk and shouted. "Hey!" I was so nervous at first but, I am not giving my hopes up!

"Really Rose, an old lady?" Said Howard as Me and the girls glaring at him. "Never mind she's a nice lady!" Howard take it back and I continue the story.

I raise my tomahawk and ready for their attacks. "Why not pick a lady someone of your own size!" The bad guys was charging at me and I dodged their attacks.

The old lady thanked me and gave a heart angel necklace. "Wait a minute, so you didn't buy it?" Heidi asked as I nodded at her. I told her that I didn't want it but, she insisted.

The Old Lady puts the necklace right around my neck and I thanked her. When I thanked her she suddenly well disappeared. I sprinted back home and took my hoodie off.

"Do you have any friends?" Heidi asked. "Actually yeah! There was Adrien and Marinette! They were so cute together sometimes and even she couldn't help but falling in love with him!" I remember all the moments back.

"Just like you falling over the ninja!" Debbie grins and everyone cooed at me.
"N-no I don't!" I stuttered with deep blush across my glasses. "Then why do you have some love songs and a cute ninja doll that you made?" I blush even more. "It doesn't matter and wait did you snoop over my things!?" I shouted at her.

"Don't look at me, Rose it was Howards Idea..." Debbie pointed with a smirk. "Hey!" Then suddenly a voice came from the stairs. It was Randy.

"Rose? You in here?" Everyone panicked. "Quick open the lights and uncover the windows!" They did as told. "Rose are you here? Hello?" I unlocked the door and opened it.

"Hey Randy, what's up?" I gave him a fake smile. "Hey Rose, sorry that I didn't came and start practicing the lines though..." He said, and I put my hand on his shoulder. "Hey it's okay, we just started!" I smiled and he smiled back.

I let Randy in and didn't know that I left my very first made Ninja doll on the floor. I was about to quickly grab it but, too late. Randy picked it up and said. "Is this yours?" He questions. I nodded.

"This is..."

"What it is it? Childsplay, babytoys or for kids?!" I cried and laying on the floor like an armadillo. "...Kinda Cute!" I was shocked and stood up. "What?" I don't know what to say to him. "You really think that I could say something bad to this adorable and Bruce ninja? I just made myself an assassin doll while I'm at home doing nothing..." He showed me an assassin doll. It was perfect!

It had my pink hair, my Ruby eyes, my hood and the outfit. "Anyways, shall we practice our lines?" He drop the doll right beside mine and he acted like a prince so I say "Of course, Sir Randy..." Then we all laughed.

Normal point of view

The Ninja doll suddenly lays its head on the assassin and the assassin lays its head on too. Alright, from the mcfist lair they had received a mysterious call.

"What is it, Viceroy?" Cannibal asked.

"It seems that we had received a call from someone..." He said, putting his finger on his chin. "Well what are you waiting for answer the darn call!" He shouted and Viceroy did as told.

"Hello this the Mcfists-" A man with a dark hood popped right in the screen they both jumped and scared. "Who are you?!" Cannibal questions him. "I am here to help you..." He said with his dark voice. "Help with what..." The man in dark hood chuckled.

"I, Dark Lord shall help from capturing the ninja and the assassin..." They both think about it. "But, I can't do it alone..." Cannibal slams his fist right at the table and said. "What's your Exchange for us?" He questions again. "My exchange is to help you to rule over Norrisville!" He darkly said that. "Alright, then... It's a deal..."

To be continued...

That was evil...

So anyway hope you could add this right through your reading list to tune in for more chapters also don't forget to vote this if you like the series!

Bye and as Always; Always Be Happy! ;)

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