Chapter Twelve

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A Stormy Sleepover

Randy was looking at Roses' picture frames. Then saw a child Rose and her childhood friend. "Say Rose; who's she?" He called, pointing at the girl with her. "That's Yonaka. She's my bestfriend in Madrid, Spain..." Rose smiled and remember the good ol' days. "Is she from there?" Randy asked her.

"No..., I think she is from Germany? yeah Germany!" Then Randy looks at the pictures one more time and saw the family picture with her missing father. 'Is this Roses' Dad?' Her father had brown hair with red eyes. 'Probably, He is over protective when I get near to Rose...' He thought and saw Rose in her 5th grade with her mother but, her father was not there.

'Rose is working pretty hard on her life...' Then Rose walks up the stairs and said "I'll be changing my outfit upstairs make yourself comfortable at home!" Rose walks up the stairs then brings their bags and went to her bedroom.

Randy takes his shirt and pants off and wear his Red T- Shirt and shorts. Randy grabs a towel and wiped his dark purpled hair. Randy walks up the stairs and Opens a door. "Hey Rose, you in-" Randy suddenly saw Rose putting her shirt on and she was still on her pink undies.

Rose turns her head and saw Randy blushing in deep red. She widens her eyes then covers herself and shouted. "GET OUT!!!" Randy walks out of her bedroom and felt blood streaming down to his lips. "Juice..." He groans. Rose was blushing fifty shades of red and calms down.

"I'm Sorry, Rose! I thought you were um done changing!" Randy shouted and Rose slips in her kitty shirt on. "It's okay, Randy!" She shouted. "Hey Rose, do you got some Tissue in here?" Rose knew that he just got a nosebleed then she laughed.

"It's right at the kitchen!" Rose shouted as she slips in her pink shorts and wears her heart shaped necklace. She looks on her balcony door with rain drops dripping. 'Great... tonight's my birthday and the rain starting to get worse...' She thought then heard a knock on her door.

She twist the door knob and opens her then saw Randy wiping the blood from his nose. "Oeh... Shnasty!" Said Rose in disgust from looking the blood on the tissue. "You can say that again..." He sarcastically said that, Randy crumbles the tissue and throw it on the trash bin.

"Anyways, shall we play the game?" Said Rose, lifting her controller with a smile on her face. Randy chuckled and said "Sure, why not?" He went in and saw her room was exactly the same as he was the ninja came to visit her. Randy sat down at her soft pillows and feel comfortable with it.

Rose puts the game on and opens her Samsung Television which her TV was a little bit big allowing her to play some games or watch movies better. "Alright!" Rose sat down next to Randy and gave him a spare controller. "Do you know how to play this game?" Rose asked and he scoffed at her.

"Of course! all you gotta do Is press some random buttons!" Rose laughed and rolls her eyes at him. "I saw that!" Said Randy, pointing at her. "Whatever..." Rose press the Multiplayer Mode and begin playing level one.

While playing the game Randy was staring at Rose concentrating the game. He couldn't help but blush then his character died. "Don't worry I'll give you some food!" Roses' character went to his and give him some food to revive him. "Thanks Rose!" He said and she said "Don't mention it." Randy couldn't believe that Rose was being such a pro at this game so he continue

It was 11: 30 In the evening and they were on Level 25 trying to defeat the final boss. "Come on!" Randy was locking his eyes on the screen and press random buttons. "Just a little bit!" Rose was bitting her bottom lip. The Boss' health was almost low as they were keep on pressing their controllers.

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