Chapter Twenty-Three

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Revealing Themselves

Howard and the others heard the voices of argument. "Would you just shut up?!" It was the voice of the assassin. "I would or you should shut yours instead..." Then that voice was the ninja. "Come on!" Heidi and the two girls run except for Howard because he was on weight.

"Wait for me, guys!" He said, panting.

"Then hurry up, you fatty..." said Debbie.

"I am not fat! I have a big bone!" He quietly shouted at her.

"Whatever." She sassed.

"I am the ninja of norrisville, and I wonking save the day but I screwed up alot!" Said the assassin acting like the ninja, with derp in her eyes making him steamed.

"Oh so you wanna take that seriously huh? okay fine!" The assassin scoffed at him.

"I am the assassin, I am a pretty little girl and I can't fly because I'm afraid of heights~" He said that making his voice a little bit girly. (I think I am dying in laughter! XD) "Oh shut up!" She shouted and blushed in tint pink and saw some four robo apes came in.

"Finally, someape showed up and hey, shorty!" She called, meaning that was Howard. "Can I get a different cell because this guy gets on my nerves!" The crossed her arms and points the ninja with her thumb. "Hey!" He shouted.

"Excuse me, sass but that shorty you're talking to is Howard Weinermen!" He takes off the robo apes head of his head and so does the others.

"Howard?! Heidi?! Debbie?! and..." Then she saw Theresa with a nervous smile. "Theresa..." The assassin slide on the bubble and sat down.

"How did you guys, get in here anyway?" The Ninja asked.

"We kinda used some of the robo apes parts..." Said Howard.

"Ugh... Shnasty..." He said, in disgust.

"I know right?!"

"Anyway. I'm going to get you two lovers out of those bubbles in no time!" Said Heidi, with a wink and they both laughed.

"What?" Heidi asked, as she was doing some coding in the panel to get them out and disabling the security cameras.

"We're not lovers, Heidi. We are officially enemies..." Said The Ninja, leaning against the bubble. "Exactly!" They both looked away at each other.

"But still..., Love each other right?" Theresa nervously smiled and pointed it out.

"No!" They both shouted.

Theresa looks at Howard with a worried look on her face. Howard went on the side of Roses bubble and talks to her. "Come on, Sass you do know that he's not a bad guy..."
"Well, he is now!" She shouted.

"Just come on, Robertson just give him another chance..." Howard didn't realize that he just told her last name. "Shoob!" He covers his mouth and the ninja noticed it.

"Howard!" The assassin and the three girls shouted.

"I'm sorry!" He whispered.

The ninja stood up and asked Howard. "Howard, what did you just call her?" Howard and the assassin are nervously sweating and thinks of something.

"He means Robinson and I don't even know that Robertson guy! heh. Who is that guy anyway..." She let out a fake of laughter. The ninja gave her a serious look on his face and Howard sighed.

"Come on, Sass tell him the truth!" Howard shouted. Rose didn't want to so she shakes her head at them and sat down.

"Yes, Rosie!" Heidi told, tapping the keyboard.

"Rose...?" The ninja called her real name.

The assassin sighed and pulled down her hood and removes it and she puts on her glasses then slowly turns around.

The ninja couldn't believe it in his eyes. He saw Rose Robertson, standing right in front of him. "Great..., now you will think that I am a stupid-geek girl..." Rose sighed.

"You're just like cunningham..." She said.

The ninja was speechless and nothing to say. Howard gave the ninja the look 'Tell her the truth' Shaking his head, pointing to Rose. The ninja sighed. "Do I really look a lot like that cunningham?" He questions.

Rose looks at him. "Well.. not exactly look a like but you kinda acted like him..." She said and the ninja chuckles at her. "Why are you chuckling at me? do you think I am joking?!" She stomped her feet.

"No! No! Because, that Cunningham is actually right here..." He told making Rose and the girls confused. "What did he mean?" Debbie asked Howard.

"You'll see, Kang..." He gave her a smirk.

"What do you mean, He's actually here?" Rose asked the ninja.

"I mean, He is now right in front of you..." The Ninja told and Rose blinks for a moment and said with a nervous laughter. "You can't be him..." She said. "Right?" She looked at Howard and she gave him 'Is this true?' look and he nodded with a smile.

"I'll prove you, Rose.." He takes off his mask slowly and Rose widens her eyes in shock. He finally takes it off and gave her a smile on his face. "Hi.., Rose..." He waved.

"RANDY?!" The girls shouted, in shock.

"Randy...?!" She breathed out and he nodded. Rose stood there and backs away then leans on the bubble and thinks all the moments they had been together.

'Was this all true?' She remembers the first time they meet.

'Was this all wonking true?' She then remembers their play in the act.

'My crush. the ninja. was actually Cunningham all along?' She remembers their sing along and the dance and the sleepover they had.

Heidi finally freed them. "Bam!" She pressed the unlocked button and the two of them feeling the bubble pulling down slowly. They both put on their mask and showed their faces.

Rose landed down with a blank expression. "Rose I-" He was about to say I'm sorry but she interrupted him. "Just give me some space..." Randy felt Disappointed And now they are all walking on the dark hallway, with Randy and Rose leaving them speechless.

To Be Continued...

And there you have it!

Only three more chapters to go!

The next one will be long and a two part of the chapter and the final one will be extra long because I am going to put some of the musics that you would love or discover!

So anyways, Bye and as Always;

Always Be Happy! \(^0^)/

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