Chapter Nineteen

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Rose came back to school with a sad expression and some of the students are looking at him then started to gossip.

"Look it's Robertson..."

"Is she okay?"

Rose ignores then keeps on walking.

"I heard that Rose have some feelings with Cunningham but he and theresa are actually together..."

Rose gritted her teeth and starts walking a little bit fast.

"Really? But, Theresa broke up with him last week!"

"OMJ. I don't know what's going to happen between them..."

Rose finally arrives the entrance and saw Howard and Randy having a conversation. Rose tries to not get notice but failed. Randy saw Rose and smiled. "Rose!"

He ran and hugs her. Rose blushed a little bit but didn't hug back. Randy pulls back and said "Rose, where have you been?" He starts to worry. "Sorry..., and It's nothing." She passed the two boys and went to class.

Howard punched his arm, giving him a 'look what you've done face.' Randy follows Rose and sat down beside her, giving her a smile to cheer up but she doesn't smile back nothing but a sad look. Randy looks away.

As their class was still on and some of the students are taking down notes. Randy whistles and starts texting Rose, under his desk.

Randy: Hey Rose, everything okay?

He sent the text and waited for her to reply.
Rose felt a buzz and opens her phone. She saw a text from Cunningham. Rose begins to reply under her desk.

Rose: I told you, Cunningham It was nothing...

Randy: You sure, cause I can tell that somethings wrong...

Rose: It was just nothing.

Randy looks at Rose with a sad expression. Then a light bulb popped into Randy's head. He starts texting...

Randy: hey Rose, is you're refrigerator running?

Rose doesn't know what he's doing, so she replies.

Rose: Yes? 😕

Randy: Good! cause you better get it. 😋

Rose suddenly giggles at his ridiculous joke. Randy smiles and missed her adorable laughter.

"Hey!" The teacher shouted and they both hide their phones.

"What are you laughing at Robertson?" The teacher questions her. Rose sweats then gulps. "I was nervously laughing because I suddenly..." She thinks for an answer then Randy mouthed her 'Forgot my Homework'

"I forgot my Homework..." She nervously smiled. The teacher shrugs then walks away and continues the lesson. Rose looks at Randy. "Um... thanks.." She whispers.

rose robertson 💐《rc9gn fanfic》💐Where stories live. Discover now