Chapter Twenty

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Bad Blood!

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" The students shouted and the fight between the ninja and assassin has now begun!

"Aaaaah!" They both clashed with their sword and tomahawks and dodge their attacks. "Ninja flash bomb!" The ninja steps back and threw a flash bomb at her. The assassin slashed the bomb then a bright light brightens her vision.

"Gah!" The assassin rubs her eyes, just to clear her vision. Her vision was cleared and suddenly saw the ninja sprinted in front of her and give her a sidekick.

The assassin rolls back and crashed to the bleachers. "I wonder who will win?" Said the female student. "I bet it will be the ninja!" Said the male student. "No! I bet It will be the assassin!"

"No, the ninja will win!" He said, crossing his arms at her.

"Assassin!" She shouted.

"Ninja!" He shouted back.

"Assassin!" She shouted again.

"NINJA!" He shouted back again.

Theresa was pacing back and forth, panicking. "This is bad! This is Bad!" She said that every word and makes her even more panicked. "Everything's going to be okay, Theresa..." Said Heidi.

"Everything's not going to be okay!" Theresa shouted.

"Fowlers, right we can't even stop them." Said Howard.

"There has to be another way to stop them right?" Debbie Kang asked.

Howard shakes his head at her.

The assassin sprinted and pulls out two of her fans. "Assassin Boom! fan!" She threw her fans in front of the ninja and it exploded cause to dust his surroundings. He pulls out his ninja sword and stayed to concentrate to ready for her next attack.

Then suddenly the assassin charged in front of him with two of her tomahawks. He blocked her attack with the grip of his sword. "I was so wrong about you, ninja. I thought, you were loyal and kind but you're just a heartbreaker!" She step back and panted so does the ninja.

"And you know what I do to heartbreakers?" She charges and went in slow motion.

"I break them!" The assassin just upper kick the ninja to the sky.

The students stop and knew the assassin won. "Did she won?" The assassin was about to leave but just she thought she felt something was about to happen.

"Somethings not right..." The assassin looks up and saw orange and black particles.

The students gasped. "The ninja just got tengu!" Howard shouted, pointing up to the sky. The assassin widens her eyes and quickly jumps back as the tengu! ninja just crashed on to the school grounds.

The ninja begins to glare at the assassin and assassin glares back and prepare for his attack. He roared and punches the assassin up to the sky. The ninja punches her multiple times.

"NINJA PUNCH!" The ninja punches the assassin one last time and the assassin felt her body in pain but then blue and white particles are surrounding her.

The assassin was now in rage. She opens her wings and kicks the ninja down. The ninja used his scarf and pulls her then sidekick but the assassin holds his leg and threw him down to the sky.

"I can't even see what's going up there!" Said Heidi.

"Here!" Debbie kang gave Heidi some binoculars and saw them fighting up to the sky.

"Hey let me see!" Howard snatches the binoculars out of Debbies hand.

"Hey!" She pouted.

McFist was cheering and laughing. "Oh! I just love how they fight each other!" He chuckles and munched up some popcorn.

Then he receives a call from viceroy. "Yes Viceroy?" He answered. "Sir, have you captured them?!" Viceroy questions him.

"No but I enjoy the show you should see this!" He said.

"I'd like to, but the dark lord was losing his patience!" Viceroy shouted.

"Okay! Okay!" McFist prepares some of the green bubbles that are unbreakable.

The ninja grabs her neck and they are about to fall down. The assassin struggles from his grip and finally breaks free.

They both charged at their attack. and they both punched at a single hit at their face and they crashed right on the school grounds and it caused a lot of dust or dirt covering their surroundings.

"Who won?" Some of the students are questioning and so does Howard and the gang.

The dust was finally cleared and saw the ninja and assassin were back to their normal selves panting.

"Listen sass! I will win and you will lose!" He panted and pointing at her.

"Like wise, jerk.." She breathed.

Then they were about to attack again.

"Aaaah!" They screamed again like from the beginning and then suddenly...

McFist finally captured them with the green bubbles. "What the juice?!" They both exclaimed.

"Ninja!" Howard shouted.

"Sass!" Heidi shouted.

McFist grabs the two bubbles and then walks back with his huge robot to go at his base or mansion.

Howard, Theresa, Heidi, and Debbie were shockingly looking at the two.

"What are we gonna do?"

To Be Continued....

Hope you all enjoy this chapter! and also sweetiewong11 I know you hated me for destroying the ship QuQ but, I still love you as my bestie! :D

Anyways, It is up to Howard and the gang to save the two lovers. I mean to save the assassin and the ninja. Bye and as Always;.

Always Be Happy! \(QoQ)/

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