Chapter Nine

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Rose joining 30 Seconds to Math

Rose was walking at the school hallways and heard some musical beat from the janitors closet. 'Did I hear music?' Rose leans her ear on the door and heard a straight up argument.

"Alright, 3... 2... Danggit! I forgot!" Said Howard, getting struggles from the numbers.

"It's three, two, and one, Howard!" Shouted Randy. "Then how am I supposed to know that?!" Howard Shouted back. 'Wow, those two got wonked...' Thought Rose and continue hearing their argument.

"We should totally need a another band member..." Randy sighs and Rose really wanted to be in their band but, she was afraid if they said no to her. "Come on, let's just get a break..." Rose didn't know and forgot that she was leaning the door and as Randy open the door.

Rose fell and Randy catches her. Rose couldn't help but, to stare at his sapphire eyes. She snaps out and said.

"Hehehe, Hi?" Randy helps her to stand up. "What are you doing here exactly?" Rose sweats and said. "Um, I was about to read some of my favorite novels!" She stutters and they gave her a serious look. "Okay! Okay! I suddenly heard some of your argument and thought that I could join in your band..." Rose sweats even more and Randy said

"Sure! You could join in our band!" Rose was internally squealing. "But, Cunningham we don't even know what she's about to play!" Said Howard, giving him a point. Randy thinks for a minute and hands her his Guitar.

"How about you play a song?" He insisted. Rose couldn't but nodded and blush from his kindness. "But make it even Bruce!" Said Howard. Rose lets out a sigh and began playing Randy's guitar and Howard was playing the drums.
La la da ta ra...

I'm bury you in the ground,

La la da ta ra...

I'm bury you with my sound,

Howard suddenly yawns and Randy glared at him and couldn't help but, to hear her beautiful voice.

Gonna drink the red from your pretty pink face I'm gonna...

"Come on, Robertson. You're making this even boring..." Randy glares at him and said. "Howard...!" Rose smirks and spoken. "So, you want it to be Bruce? I'll give you brucer!!!" Rose raises her hand and rocks the guitar. Randy and Howard was so shocked as Rose playing the guitar in rock. Then she slowly playing it.

Sorry I don't treat you like a goddess,

Is that what you want me to do?

Sorry I don't treat you like you're perfect,

Like all your little loyal subjects do

Sorry I'm not made of sugar,

Am I not sweet enough for you?

Howard couldn't believe it and notice Randy dreamingly staring at her and Howard waves his hand to snapped out of it. Randy snaps out of his day dream and gave a nervous smile.

Is that why you always avoid me?

That must be such inconvenience to you.


I'm just your problem

I'm just your problem

It's like I am not even a person am I

I'm just your problem...


Heidi and Debbie suddenly hear her singing and quietly listen to her voice.
Heidi took out her phone and record it on live.

I shouldn't have to justify what I do,

I shouldn't have to prove anything to you,

Sorry that I exist

I forgot what you landed me

on your black list,

But, I shouldn't have to be the one that makes up with you...


Why do I want to...?

Why do I want to...?

Even I,

I'm just your problem, I know...

I'm just your problem


Rose was biting her lip and feel the beat through her heart. Randy couldn't help but, to amaze by her skills and moves even the others as well.

Woah, oh, oh, oh...

I'm just your...

I'm just your...!

I'm just

I'm just your problem!

Randy suddenly got an Idea. He took out a microphone and whisper to Howard to join her into the beat. Howard nodded.

Rose stops with sweat and pant. Many murmurings and whispering as Randy gave Rose a microphone and she return his guitar. Howard and Randy were ready for Roses final verse.

Randy plays the guitar and Howard began playing the drums in beat.
Rose began singing her final verse of the song.

I'm just your problem

I'm just your problem

It's like I am not even a person am l?

I'm just your problem


Why do I want to...?

Why do I want to...?!

Make up if you're all

It's all so pointless because

I'm just your problem!

Then Rose drops the microphone and when she opens her eyes. She saw Heidi and Debbie recording her and them the whole time.

Heidi closes the live stream and post it on her web page. "Congratulations, Rose you are now an official member of 30 seconds to Math!" Said Howard and Rose couldn't help but, smile.

Randy ruffles her pink hair. "That amazing! You should hang out with us sometimes." Rose blushes in tint pink and smiles.

"Hey guys, the play was going to play next week." Said Debbie. "Do you think we could do this?" Heidi questions and Rose said. "Of course, we're all in this together right?" They agreed her and Howard said, with a grumble came from his stomach. "Can we eat now? I'm starving!" Said Howard. They all laughed and Rose said "Sure!" They all went to the cafeteria and eat some of their lunches.

(On Mcfists Lair)

Viceroy was working an invention from his laboratory. He was building a spinning wheel to make the ninja fall asleep forever. If was Mcfists Idea and It was not Viceroys.

"Done!" Said Viceroy and suddenly Mcfist came in. "Is it Done, Viceroy?" He asked, with his beloved wife. "Ooh, a spinning wheel!" His wife rushes over to touch the spindle. "No wait!" But, too late his wife touched the spindle and fell asleep.

"Ah, I found a solution to that!" Viceroy grabs a sample and pour it on her wifes mouth. His wife was awake and said. "Time for me to get my pedicure..." She went outside the laboratory. "Ha-ha! Soon Ninja you'll never wake up!" He let an evil laughter.

To Be Continued...

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Always Be Happy!

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