Chapter Twenty-One

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The Only Ones Left

"What are we gonna do?" Debbie questions.

"Alright, students the battle is now done go back to your classrooms!" The principle called and some of the students awed.

"There's nothing we can do, guys! besides what are wonking suppose to do?!" Theresa panics and shaking onto her knees.

"NOTHING!" Theresa panicked and suddenly got slapped in the face by Heidi.

"Did you just... slapped me?" Theresa questions. "Yes..., and get a hold of yourself!" She slapped her again.

"Okay! Okay! enough with the slapping!" Heidi stopped and tries to think to save the ninja and the assassin. "Come on guys, we don't have to give up! we could save them!" said Howard.

"But were just... teens..." said Debbie, looking down.

"Teens or not!" Howard shouted.

The gang looked at him. "Who cares if were just teens. We can do anything!" He stated.

"What about Ran- I mean Rose!" He cleared his throat, trying not to spill Randy's beans.
"Rose did all the work by protecting this school and us! She is our Hero, no.. Our Friend, who has the heart of pure love to us!!" He said, making it a little bit dramatic.

"So what do you say?" said Howard.

They all looked at each other.

"I mean..., Rose is my best friend from the internet and yeah... I mean, of course!" Heidi joins on his side, leaving Theresa and Debbie to think.

"Well... Rose kinda cheers me up when I'm feeling down and she made me put a smile on my face... So sure!" Debbie Kang joins in and leaving Theresa.

Theresa looks at them with fear.

They all smiled.

Theresa sighed and joins in. "Even though Rose *is* our friend.., I guess there is a chance we can save her and the ninja.." Theresa joins in, with a smile.

"Count me in!" They all did hands in the middle.

"Let's get Ready!" Howard shouted and they threw their hands up in the air. "Yeah!" Then heard an ahem.

They all turned their heads and saw the teacher tapping on his/her foot, meaning go back to class.

"After we finish our class, kay?" Said Heidi and they all nodded.

(A Few Hours later)

Howard, Debbie, Heidi and Theresa were dressing up and preparing for their mission.

They even put some war paint on their faces. Theresa grabs her batons from her cheerleading and some of the others are grabbing a weapon.

They all went out of the school and waited for the taxi.

They waited.

They waited.

They waited.

Howard was tapping his foot.

They waited.

"Oh come on!" Howard shouted.

"Calm down, Howard..." Heidi spoke and found the taxi.

"Taxi! Taxi!" They shouted and the driver of the taxi stopped.

He opens his window. "Can we get to Mister Mcfist's company or something?" Theresa asked and the driver nodded.

They all went inside. "So..." The driver trailed.

"What's with the costume and the paint on your faces." He questions. "We.. have a friend to save!" Said Debbie.

The driver nodded. "I see.." He said.

For a few minutes or hours they have arrived. Howard paid the driver with his own money as they went out.

They were at the front of the gates.

"Let's get busy!" Said Debbie and the others nodded.

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