Chapter Two

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The Ninja Meets The Assassin

Randy's Point of Veiw

I was going to go at the restroom, but that huge robot ape was going crushed Rose. Then she dodged it without a scratch. 'So Bruce...' I was amazed at her movement, then I forgot I got some Ninja duties here. I hide at the back of the trash bin and put my mask on.

"Smoke Bomb!" I suddenly saw an Assassin with two tomahawks on her hands. The robot ape was about to hit her but she forced his attack. "Is this what you've got monkey?" She teases, then the robot ape roared and prepared missiles at her.

"Eh..., nice monkey?" The missiles were about to hit her "Oh shoob..." but, I use my Ninja scarf to save her and dodge his attack. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, that monkey was hard..." She let go of the scarf and then realized she dosen't know me yet. "Wait a minute who the honk are you?" I raised a brow at her and said. "I'm the Ninja, and also who are you?" I asked her, like she did with me. "It's Assassin, The Assassin..." Then she bring out a dark pinked fan.

"Assassin Boomerang Fan!" The Assassin threw a fan at the apes chest, and it sliced it! "That all you've got, monkey..." She shouts then, the robot got her with his hands. "...And you've got me, too..." The robot ape just roared at her like a gorilla.

"Gawh! Have you ever clean your parts in there? Smells like garbage with vinegar..." She compliments the robot, then I almost laughed from that. "Don't worry, I'll get you out of there!" I said, and Ninja jump at his back.

"Don't worry about me, Ninja. Besides I've got this in the bag!" Said the assassin, getting out of the robot apes hand. "If you say so..."

"Ninja Sword Slice!" I sliced the robot apes back and he roared in pain. "Gya!" The Assassin let go of the robot apes hand. I attack the robot ape then the Assassin was talking to herself.

Normal point of veiw

"Okay, I can't even find his weak spot then what's the answer here!? Wait a minute!" Then the letters showed up. "When The Assassin Meets The Ninja, Must work with each other..." They pointed at the ninja. "So that means we work together as an awesome team! Thanks, Creed!" She thanked creed for his advice. "Yo, Ninja how about we should you know..." The Assassin pointed at herself and him, then she fistbumped.

"You mean, you and I should fight?!" The Ninja exclaimed. "No, I mean team up?" Then the ninja ohed at her. The robot ape was about to hit the ninja but, the Assassin saved him. "Good thing, I save you..." She smirks, then the Ninja looks away with a blush. "I know you were blushing, Ninja..." The Ninja looks at her. "And how can you tell?" He asked sarcastically.

"Well, I saved you, and I can feel that heat of body of yours..." The Assassin smirks, making the ninja blushed. "Anyway, we have some team work to do!" The Ninja and the Assassin went back in battle of The robot ape. Suddenly two gingered hair are hiding at the back of the table.

"Heidi, what are you doing?!" Howard exclaimed, while Heidi was recording the battle. "I'm recording their battle on that robot ape..." Howard get her point. "Hey Heidi, did you record when the ninja saved her, then the Assassin saved him?" He asked, then Heidi nodded.

"Sweet this video will be BRUCE!" Then the robot ape spotted the two gingered hair.
The Ninja and The Assassin looked at them in shock."Heidi!" Said Rose as the Assassin.
"Howard!" Said Randy as the Ninja.

The robot ape was going to hit them, but then they both saved them. "Are you both okay?" They asked. "We're good I think..." Said Heidi and Howard. "Good, then get out of here before you get hurt..." The Ninja commands, they did as told.

"So where are we?" The ninja questions, then The robot ape roared. "Oh, the robot ape..." The Ninja and the Assassin fight him together as a team. The robot ape is getting weaker, when they both saw their weapon they have a plan.

"Hey, you thinking what I'm thinking?" The Assassin smirks at him and so does he. "Oh Yeah..." The Ninja gave her the bombs inside of her pistol then "Sayonara, Monkey..." She shot it at his chest and it exploded in pieces.

Just then the students came back and saw the assassin and the ninja having a teamwork handshake. The students cheered at them and shouts. "They saved the school!" Said the principal. "Thank you, thank you..., it would've done it without her help..." The Ninja said, then she softly punched his arm. "Don't mention it..." The students cheered even more.

"You know Ninja we could I know I don't know, like work together sometimes and you know hang out?" The assassin asked, then he said "Sure, see you soon, Assassin..." The assassin gave him a bow and disappeared with Pink cherry blossoms flow around the place.

"Heh, I kinda like her wait! Why am I liking her I just met her already gah!..." Then the ninja disappears using his...

"Smoke Bomb!"

[On McFists Mansion/ Place]

"GAH! We can't even defeat that pesky little Ninja on our hands!" Said the man with a metal arm at his right. "Well, we could catch the Assassin instead of the ninja..." Said viceroy, looking at the video footage. "What?!" McFist looked at the video footage again to see the battle.

"Maybe, we should use her to make the ninja save her!" Said McFist. "But, sir I don't think that will..." Viceroy was going to speak but suddenly, he shouts like an idiot. "I'm a genius!!!" Which makes Viceroy leaves the place and annoyed of him. "This time Ninja, I will get you..." Then McFist just evily laughed out loud.

Suddenly McFist coughed a bit from that laughter of his.

[At Norrisville High School]

Rose was at her locker and so does Randy, fixing their things and having a conversation between them. "So, wait a minute. Howard can't even run a mile?" Said Rose. "Yeah, but I hope he could though..." They both closed their lockers. "Hey Randy, I was wondering, what does the Ninja look like?"

She asked. "Well, he kinda wears a mask and a red scarf around his neck and also with a pretty look on his face..." Then he suddenly saw Rose leaning at the locker with a smirk. "Yeah..." Randy knew the look on her face, Rose snapped out of it and saw randy with a red blush on her face.

"You like the Ninja, do you?" Randy asks, with a smirk. "What no I don't!" Rose exclaimed. "Sure..." Then rose gave another question for him. "Say, what does the Assassin look like if I must say..." Rose smirks as he answers the question.

"She has a mask like the Ninja and her beautiful eyes and her hair is like cherry blossoms..." He thoughts of the Assassin. He snaps out of his thoughts and saw Rose with a smirk. "Now you like, the Assassin, do you?" Rose laughed, and he rolls his eyes at her. "Haha..., you got me..." He said.

Then Howard and Heidi came. "Oh, hey guys..." Said Rose. "So what's with the camera that your holding?" Randy asked with a brow raising. "We've got the video of the Assassin and the Ninja!!!" Rose and Randy looked surprise very there.

Heidi showed them the video of the battle,
They even captured the scene of saving their lives which, make rose and randy blushed a bit there. "They even save our lives from that, robot ape!" Said Heidi, that made her squealed a bit. "They sure did..."

"Anyway, I'm gonna go home now..." Said Rose leaving the school but then Randy said "Hey Rose, wanna hang out with me and Howard tomorrow, after school, on Game Hole you know the place is like an arcade?" He nervously laughed and asked.

"Sure, why not?" then Randy happily smiles. Rose giggled at him with a blush under her glasses. "Sure Randy..." Then she leaves the school, with her bike and helmet. Randy's lips pursed into a little smile.

"Heh, cute..." Said Randy in his thoughts. "GAH! I did it again!" Then he walks home with his best friend Howard.

To Be Continued...

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Always Be Happy!

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