Chapter Five

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Revealing the Truth

Rose was at the school bus with Heidi, Howard and also never going to forget about her Best Friend slash Crush, Randy. They are talking about their experiences together from school and Rose can't stop talking about the Ninja. "Hey Rose, Did the Ninja visit you last night when I'm gone?" Randy asks.

"Yeah he did..." Says Rose. "Wait a minute. Are you...?" Randy was sweating in fear. "Jealous, Randy?" She asks with a smirk. Randy Pft at her and he said "What, Jealous? Please..." Then she begin reading her chemistry book. "Seriously, Rose...?" Then Howard takes her chemistry and throw it at the streets. "What the Juice, Howard?! I was about to read chapter Two!" Rose exclaimed, then Howard smirks.

"Chemistry the movie? I hated that book." Randy knew what he's going to say. His booger story. "Howard, please don't tell her..." Randy was going say but, Rose questions him. "Tell what?" Then Howard said.

"You know, Rose I'm about to go at my third knuckle maybe fourth!" Rose just gave him a WTJ face. "And you know what I pulled out?" Howard questions her. "Please, no..."
Said Randy, preparing a barf bag to puke.

"The greatest. The Biggest. The Juiciest!" Howard was going to continue and Rose said "Okay, Howard I really don't need to know about that!" She surrenders but, too late. "No, you definitely want to know!" Then bus stops at the construction zone.

"And you're going to love this, Rose! It had a..." Suddenly, a drill sound that won't heard Howard's story but, he only use his hands as puppets. Randy covers his ears and so does Rose but, she couldn't bare to see it.

Also, this one can be found on RC9GN Season 2 episode 1...

"And it was covered in hair! But, the grossest thing-" Rose cuts him off. "That wasn't the grossest thing...!" But, He still continus the story. "Oh no, the grossest thing was..." A drilling sound came and Howard just points at his nose like boogers came out from his nose. Rose was about to puke and he still continues the story!

So then, Howard just use his hand like: holding an object. then he puts his other hand in it making her terrified and almost puke. Howard makes his hands into scissors then combine them together. 'Oh my Cupids!' Then Howard, punch his hand and makes his hand holding an object again then puts his finger in it making her puke with tears came. Then she slides down from the seat. The drilling sound was over and Howard said

"I told him not to eat it but, he did!" He ended the story. "Rose, are you okay?" Randy asked her. Rose stoods up and said "I'm fine and I feel kinda dizzy..." Then arrived at the school and they all went inside the school entrance.

"Why are you telling me this?" Rose groans at Howard. "Because, your our new Best Friend. We tell each other everything..." He was right. She met Randy, Howard, Heidi, Theresa and Debbie. But, not that thing like best friends do.

"Yeah, but except something's we don't..." She said with a point. "Something's that we keep to ourselves..." She added then Howard laugh. He suddenly stops "Wait, I don't exactly keep anything to myself..." He said.

"Well, you can. That's what I'm saying. Keeping. stuff. to yourself..." Said Rose with her hands at her hips. "Yeah, but you don't keep anything from me or Randy..." Then Rose looks away with a worried mumble.

Howard gasps and said. "You do!" Then Randy came. "Hey guys, did I miss something?" He asked and Rose said "No. Not at all hehe. Gotta go!" She rushed at the halls, trying to get to class.

"Well come on, Howard..." Howard knew that Rose was keeping a secret so he have to find out.

Rose was at her desk, drawing at her diary for something that is personal and Randy and His best bro Howard came. Rose quickly closed her diary and locked it with a key and hides the key at her bag.

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