Day 14 (Tuesday)

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"Hey," said someone.

I raised my head from my iPod. I was in the bus to school. It was Xander.

Xander is a guy from my old school who had switched from our old school to that new school at the same time as me. What a coincidence.

In my old school, I really liked  Xander. But, since we've changed schools, he doesn't really talk to me, so I decided to move on.

Except now he had just said hi and my heart was beating super fast.

"Hi," I answered.
"How are you?" he asked.
"Oh, great! What about you?"
"Good, good, how do you like it here?"
"Well, I still prefer LR (stands for Lycée Roosevelt, my old school)."

I haven't really explained this yet but, the thing is, I wasn't happy about going to a new school. I was actually outraged that my parents changed me. They didn't leave me a choice.

"Yeah, well... I don't know which one I prefer," he continued.

I could understand him. He had only stayed at LR for a year. I, on the other side, had stayed there for four years.

"Anyways, which teachers do you have?" I questioned, trying to get the conversation going.
"I have Mr. Kaly in History, Mr. Vachekiri in Math..."

We continued talking about which teachers we had. When we got out of the bus, we continued talking. Mia, a girl from my class, and Amin, a guy from my class, saw us talking. And I felt proud.

Xander and I got separated when we entered the school. And, as I went up the stairs, I thought, "This is the best day of my life."

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