Day 17 (Friday)

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"Oliver, to the board," asks Mrs. Cuncun.


"Oliver, to the board," she repeated.
"Oliver, dude, she's talking to you," whispers one of Oliver's friends.
"Huh, what?" he asks, finally coming back to earth.
"She's talking to you," the friend repeated.
"Wha-" started Oliver, but he was cut by Mrs. Cuncun.
"What were you doing?" she asked.

She didn't look angry. She seemed amused.

"Thinking," he answered.
"Who were you thinking about?" she asked, looking more and more amused.
"Nobody!" he exclaimed.
"No, but seriously, who were you thinking about?" she asked again, talking like they were old friends.
"No one!" he shouted, looking offended.
"Nah, you're lying," she insisted.
"No, I'm not!"

Now he looked upset.

"Yes you are. Liv, who do you think he was thinking about?" she questioned.
"Um, I don't know..."
"Tiffany, who do you think he was thinking about?"

Tiffany is another girl from my class.

"Huh, what?"
"Ah, so you were thinking too. Oh, I get it now! You were thinking about each other!" Mrs. Cuncun seemed so proud to have found out who they were thinking about.

Yes, I know, she sounds completely crazy, but she's not. Well, maybe a little bit. But she's mostly funny.

"No!" they both said in unison.
"Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret," she told them, winking.

It was funny, but couldn't help feeling jealous. I just wished he was thinking about me.

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