Letting go

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Her fingers dug into her blanket as she pulled it over her head. Tears slid down her chubby cheeks, soaking the bed beneath her. Hiccups and quiet sobs were the only noises to be heard throughout the cold and empty house. She became anxious, scared of nothing, but everything at the same time. Her nails subconsciously dug into her skin, and began scratching. She felt a sense of warmness engulf her as she thought of him, quickly to be replaced by a severe coldness, breaking her heart, along with spirit. She was a finished person, she thought. Someone who had no more to live for, their life as good as over, she sobbed at the thought. Her nails had broken her skin, and she bled into the black sheets. She tried thinking happy thoughts, she tried deep breaths, she tried relaxing but she knew her time was up.

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