Poor Percival

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Percival stood in the centre of a small village in Northern England. He announced his departure to his family and bode them farewell. He mounted his stallion and began setting off further north. He had received the call to battle earlier and had started training his hardest. He was the first nominated to participate in this particular battle by his king. He had heard his opponent was planning for this tournament to be the biggest in the region.

Percival mounted his horse. His opponent, Arthur, followed his lead. The horses reared, the crowd roared and the battle commenced. The stallions charged towards each other and both knights thrust their swords into the air. The swords clashed but both knights remained unharmed. They kept charging and missing until Percival achieved the first hit. A large wound to Arthur's thigh resulting in a steady flow of blood. He almost fell but quickly swung his sword in response. Unprepared, it stabbed straight thorough Percival's shoulder. The crowd went ballistic and Percival was sure he had no chance; he had already lost this battle.

With the large wound to his shoulder still pouring blood, Percival tried to escape to a safer place. He commanded his horse, left his opponent, who was left dead on the ground. The announcer called for him to return but Percival needed help. 

He was going for a shortcut through the forest. His blood was turning his beloved white stallion crimson. Percival found a clearing, he had nearly reached his destination. A tree branch appeared before his blurry vision and hit him in the face, pushing his helmet off.

Percival crashed heavily to the ground. The trees swayed around him. In the distance crows crowed menacingly. His armour lay broken around him and slowly began to fill with blood. Pale light began to filter through the oak leaves. A white stallion nuzzled at Percival's neck before slowly neighing, turning and leaving. Percival remained motionless as a sea of black moved towards the damp green grass that was turning red.


This was actually an assignment in English. But here it is haha xD

-Amy x

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