Their story

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She tightly pressed her lips together. Her fingers brushed along his tensed jaw line. Her eyes glistened, but she refused to break down; not now.Their intense gaze was unbreakable. "I just hope..." she started before she tore her eyes away; casting her eyeline to the dirty floor.She slipped her hands into his and they stood, in an awkward embrace. A siren rung in their eyes and they sprung apart from each other. His eyes darted around him, searching for the threat, but saw nothing. A loud bang shocked the both of them. She fell to her knees in front of him, her hands clutching themselves tightly over her chest area. A sharp breath left his lips. He was speechless. His hands slipped into hers and he gave a gentle squeeze, before turning on his heel and sprinting in the opposite direction. She chocked on her own blood and he chocked from the lack of air that was entering his tight lungs; it was never meant to be this way.

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