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Just a disclaimer, this is not my true opinion, this was a history assignment.

Movements of People

Dear Readers of New York Times,

It has appalled me to even think that people have been discussing the ‘possibility’ for freeing slaves. There is no possibility; I and many others won’t allow it. Think of the economic damage, no one would be able to afford to keep their crops running when they have to pay for workers. Think of religion; Jesus never spoke against slavery. If we let these slaves go, what if they start an uprising, create a belief that they can take control; do we want to be slaves?

When our crops go dry, and we start an extreme famine, who are we to blame, but those opinionated fools, believing we could go without these workers. There would be a widespread of unemployment and chaos. Some of us, with larger crops, can barely handle the farming at the moment; try that without your slaves; we’d all be in a lot of trouble. You wouldn’t just lose your chance of wealth; you’d lose your privilege to food and good health. We’d have to farm our own crops and how do we get the time to do that, when we have a busy life?

Did Jesus, or the almighty God; ever complain or go against the idea of slavery? I THINK NOT! If the bible never wrote about it being wrong… what makes it wrong? Abraham had a slave; that was never looked down on. The one set of rules we live by, the Ten Commandments, never said anything against the idea of having workers that we didn’t need to pay. We look after them better than they could look after themselves, they should be grateful.

If the workers were let go, what would happen to them? Would they go on a rampage? Would they arise, looking for revenge? What if someone like these slaves tried to become the president or ruler in future generations? We don’t want the many people that we had control over, to take control of us. We don’t know how greedy, how dangerous, they could be without discipline.

All in all, I’d just like to say, our workers are not being let go anytime soon. They are our property, and we have the right to continue to protect them and use them to our benefits. Our crops don’t deserve to go dry, Jesus isn’t going to send us to Hell for this act of kindness.

Thank you for reading, take these words of wisdom into account as you speak your beliefs.

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