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Arms reached through the iron gates. The only sound that could be heard was the loud moans from them and the sound of nails scraping against the iron bars. She stood on the opposite side frantically searching for a safe escape. The yells became louder and she stalled for longer. What had she gotten herself into? The small house behind her was certainly not an option of safety. Her small feet began to run to the left. Most of the crowd followed her, not actually seeing where she went due to the high brick walls. The blood on her white summer dress stood out as it blew in the wind. Her pace picked up and her tears could no longer be held in. A sob escaped her mouth, soon followed by a hiccup. A stitch formed in her lower abdomen and she gasped for air. The sky above her grew darker by the second, crows circling her like their prey. A member of the crowd had somehow managed to climb the brick walls that once protected her. Their eyes landed on her within seconds. They were tall and certainly not lacking any muscles. She squealed and began to sprint in the opposite direction. There was nothing in sight. No distractions, no safety; she was truly in trouble now. Her head whipped backwards to see where the escapee was, only to notice there was now a large group within the walls. Young children, old men, pregnant ladies; they were all chasing after her frail self. The grass was too long - passing her knees - which made more problems. She let out a cry for help and heard the many menacing laughs erupt around her. She was trapped now, much like how they once were.

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