Momentarily alone

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She sat looking vacantly ahead. She thought about him. All him. How he makes her feel, how greatly he treats her, how perfect he is. It'd been about 50 or so hours since she last saw him. She was so deeply in love. It was her first proper love. She needed him; he actually saved her life. You have to love someone for that. Maybe he was missing her as well.

He sat alone in his room. Staring vacantly ahead. His mind on her, only her. He missed her so much; almost as much as he loved her. He couldn't get his mind off her no matter how hard he had tried. She helped him; he needed her. He knew she needed him; maybe more than he needed her. He missed her. He couldn't wait to see her next. Hopefully it wouldn't be long. Maybe she was missing him as well.

I love you Jordan x <3

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