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Her fingers clawed at her pale skin, as her eyes darted around the room; scanning her surroundings thoroughly. The same plain, white walls continued to stare back at her. Shivers ran down her spine and menacing thoughts ran through her mind. Paranoia crept up on her but she pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind, she didn't want to ruin the perfect moment. A single metal sign sat on the wall in the corner, it's edges were the sharpest thing she had seen since she had came here - the sharpest thing she had come across in years. Four single nails held it to the wall, but she knew, soon enough, the sign wouldn't be on the wall; the sharp edges wouldn't just be teasing her and the nails wouldn't just be used to hold a piece of metal to the wall, but much rather keep her in the place she'd much prefer. It was a place everyone was uncertain of - but she knew, even if she went to 'hell' it would be far more pleasant than this life.

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