Tod Runk

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Tod Runk sat drumming his fingers awkwardly on the computer's desk. His mind wandered aimlessly, but never focusing on a specific topic. Mr.Runk couldn't focus on one topic though. He was so drunk; even the brightly lit computer screen in front of his dulled-over eyes couldn't catch his wavering attention. He leaned back in his uncomfortable desk chair, hoping to doze off but a loud shrill caused his eyes to fly open. He smiled slightly as he saw her name on the screen, but it was soon lost when sleep became more important than her. He knew she felt that everything was more important than her these days, but they kind of were - but he'd never tell her that. Tod Runk was asleep in seconds, his not-so-sober mind not sparing a second to think about her.


This makes zero sense and I can't focus on writing it. I kinda promised myself to upload soon, and also to write a story based on "Tod Runk". But I hope you enjoyed this, I guess xD

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