Chapter II: Room for Surprise

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I hope that you are enjoying this series and also thank you to everyone who is taking the time to read this story. It is truly appreciated~

~Draco POV~

I walked into the headmaster's office and saw a girl sitting crisscrossed on the couch reading some sort of magazine. Not knowing how to start a conversation with her I took a seat on a coach opposite of her; wondering when and if she noticed my presence. As I sat, I looked closer at the magazine she was reading and saw the words "Quibbler," and there is only one person I know who reads that...

"Why hello there Draco," Luna said, tilting her head past her magazine, "I seemed to not have noticed your entry, the Quibbler does that to me sometimes." 

I was surprised. Luna Lovegood was the last person I thought would be here. I never knew her personally, not that I really knew anyone for that matter. But I do remember her quirky ways.  Although, I was more surprised that she greeted me by my first name. Not many people did that, but I guess Lovegood was known to do the opposite of others.

I contemplated if I should say her name too, but I didn't want to push it. She was just being nice; I'm sure sitting here with me (A previous death eater) is more than enough of a shock.

"Hello Lovegood, do you happen to be the new Head Girl?"

"Yes, apparently Hermione wanted to have a normal year. I don't blame her though, with everything that has happened she deserves that much." Luna said. I just nodded my head as I felt mainly responsible for all of her and the rest of the golden trio's pain and turmoil.

"And I presume that you are the Head Boy?" Luna asked

"Um yes, that would be me, although I don't really know why,"

luna tilted her head, "Why do you say that?" 

"Well, I mean with everything I've done, I mean even to you. I'm really sorry about that by the way-"

"We all make mistakes Draco. And I can see that you have changed, the past is the past and what is important is the future."

I just nodded my head; I didn't really understand why she was being so nice to me. 

"I presume that Headmistress McGonagall will be here soon," Luna said turning the page of the Quibbler. It always looked kinda interesting, not that I would ever say that out loud. Especially back then...

I nodded again and decided that it would probably be awkward if I tried to continue a conversation, so I sat more comfortable on the couch and watched Luna reading the Quibbler...upside down.


Right when I was starting to doze off, Headmistress McGonagall walked in making me slightly jump.

"Sorry to keep the both of you waiting, shall we begin?" she said sitting down at her desk. We both nodded and sat in front of her

"The both of you have been chosen for this position not only because of your exceptional grades but because I believe in the both of you, so please do not disappoint me. I do hope the both of you understand that being a head boy and girl means that you must set an example for your fellow class-mates. That means being on your best behavior and not causing unnecessary trouble. Being in this position is a privilege; do not take advantage of it." She said, opening her drawer and pulling out two packets. 

"These are your special designed schedules. They have your courses as well as your schedules for when you will take rounds, which will most always be together. Also, at the end of every week, you shall give a report on incidents that have happened, points that were taken away and so forth. I expect you both to be on your best behavior and follow through with the rules and guidelines of being a head boy and girl." we both nodded

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