Chapter III: What Changed

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~Draco POV~

I was talking to Blaise when someone knocked on our compartment. We both looked at each other when they opened the door. I was completely shocked to find...Luna Lovegood.

"Hello, I'm sorry for intruding, but may I come in?" Luna asked

"Sure," I said a bit too quick, giving Blaise an excuse to smirk.

"Of course, would you like me to leave you both to discuss some head duty stuff?" Blaise asked

"Oh no, that won't be necessary Blaise," she replied

"Ya, well I'm gonna anyways; I gotta find a certain Ginger," Blaise said pulling Luna in. He then turned my way winking at me like some creep and shut the door. 

"So, was there something I forgot to do?" I asked, still not sure about the reason that she came in here.

"I saw when you tried to grab Grove she scratched your arm quite deep, and I was most certain that you would leave it," She said taking out her wand. I was so shocked by her kindness, I didn't understand it at all.

"Why are you being so kind to me? I would think that you hate me after everything that has happened," I asked half unsure of why I asked in the first place and half curious of her answer.

"Must there always be something for you to gain when you are kind to others?" Luna asked. I didn't know what to say. It was true that kindness always came with some sort of benefit in the past, perhaps there was more to Lovegood than I never noticed.

I answered, "Well, no not particularly bu-"

"Then that's that," she said sitting right next to me. She was really close, so close I could smell her jasmine scent...NO DRACO! GET IT TOGETHER! I inwardly yelled to myself. I finally snapped back into reality when I heard Luna.

"Draco? Are you okay?"

"Um yes sorry what were you saying?" I asked a bit embarrassed

"Would you please give me your hand?" Luna asked motioning for my hand

I gulped replying "Umm, it's really okay, it's just a scratch." Luna just shook her head grabbing my arm and placing it into her lap

"You're still very stubborn I see," Luna said rolling up my sleeve making me gulp even harder than before

"Ya, it's a bad habit," I said watching her wave her wand over my cut. It really wasn't that bad, but knowing that she thought it was, was very well...adorable.

"You should still take proper care of yourself, alright?" Luna said

"Will do Lovegood," I said watching her, she really was something else.

"Good to hear Malfoy," Luna said.

Wha-, did I-... have I been imagining that she has been calling me Draco? No, I'm positive she has been, so why did she start calling me Malfoy...

Blaise then came in "Hey Guys, sorry I was gonna be longer but the ginger was getting pretty feisty, so I thought I would let her cool off,"

"It's alright I was just leaving Blaise," Luna said getting up. Why was she calling Blaise by his name but Me by my last? What changed?

"Ok Luna, catch you later, tell ginger I said to be a little nicer would ya?" Blaise asked, sitting down.

"Certainly," Luna said opening the door

"Please do take care not to get another wound," Luna said

Surprised, Blaise asked, "What wound?" 

"Nothing, Lovegood was just making a big deal out of nothing," I said a bit harsh. Why was I acting like this? GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF DRACO. SHE IS GOING TO HATE YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE IF YOU KEEP TALKING LIKE THIS TO HER, SO DO US ALL A FAVOR AND JUST SHUT THE BLOODY HELL UP!

"Why so harsh Draco?" Blaise asked angrily

"It's alright, well I should be going now," Luna said shutting the door

"Why the bloody hell did you do that for? She was just being nice," Blaise said annoyed

"No reason" I said getting even more furious. But not at Luna or Blaise, just at myself. How could I be such a child? And I didn't even thank her...

"So much for changing," Blaise said lying down.

I looked out the window, thinking of how stupid I acted. Will I ever grow up?


I hope you are enjoying these chapters and please feel free to comment thoughts or feelings. Lastly, have a wonderful Day/Night;)

...Until We Meet Again...

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